
Night By Elie Wiesel: Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

“For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify his name? The almighty, eternal and terrible master of the universe chose to be silent. What was there to thank him for?”. (Wiesel 33) “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity of the desire to live.” (Wiesel 22). These quotes from Elie Wiesel’s book “Night” directs us into a theme about being stripped of faith and exposed to the evil of this world. He and his father are sent to Hitler’s concentration camp “Auschwitz-Birkenan” with many other prisoners. During the beginning, Elie Wiesel prayed to God every night, but after the holocaust, he was shaken by evil and started to think God has left everyone, even after all they prayed to him. In Jewish mysticism, God is everywhere in the world and everything reflects his goodness. If God is good, then that means the whole world is also …show more content…

Wiesel learns that evil is definitely a thing that is part of this world in the holocaust during his sojourn at the concentration camps. He also sees that evil can also rise within the prisoners in his situation too. His faith in God lessens the more experiences he has at the camps. Others also question why the person they pray to chose to do nothing to help. God wasn’t the only thing the prisoners lost faith in. Wiesel also sees people doing inhuman things, leading him to believe that humanity is corrupt. In conclusion, Night tells us about how evil exists and how faith was lost by many people in the holocaust. The prisoners question God and why the master of the universe isn’t doing anything. People think God is always with them but when the events of the holocaust happen, they not only question why God is silent, but humanity is also starting to decay due to

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