
Nirvana And Hindu Moksha And The Hindu Religion

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Nirvana is used in Buddhism with varied meanings; nonetheless, it is a state of retracting from certain detractors in life. This means extinguishing or dispelling oneself from certain iniquitous characters. It is characterized by peace of mind and it saves man from the sufferings, the cycles of rebirth, and death. Nirvana could only be achieved by individuals who observed the laid down rules and detached themselves from sin. Moksha is a common belief in the Hindu religion and it describes a state where one’s soul connects with god’s soul. In the Hindu religion, achieving moksha removes one from the cycle of life and death, which is the state of reincarnation as one moves from one life to the next. In essence, moksha is a state of …show more content…

Therefore, nirvana is a state that is not achieved by many persons, only few individuals who through obedience of the laid down rules and detachment from sins of the world can acquire this state, which also cannot be described in ordinary terms. Hence, one can escape from the cycle of reincarnation as an individual acquires anatman, which means absence of soul.
This is quite distinct from nirvana which is a state that is acquired even as an individual lives. In the Hindu religion, achieving moksha removes one from the cycle of life and death which is the state of reincarnation as one moves from one life to the next. In essence, moksha is a state of unification of one’s soul with that of the creator, therefore achieving oneness of atman and Brahman. However, this unity is described in two different ways according in Hinduism; the first descriptions which is referred to as the adveitaVedanta is understood to mean that one’s own soul is part of the creator’s own soul. An example is given of a single leaf of grass which is part of a wide field of green field hence the small individual leaves on the field constitute part of the field which in this case would be god’s soul. This approach is also known as the non-dualism; hence the two souls exist as one.
The second thought is referred to as

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