
Nissan GT-R Research Paper

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Nissan GT-R R35 is the one of the cheaper supercars anyone can buy. The 2015 GT-R is listed as low as $101,770 which is a lot less than your average Lamborghini or Ferrari. Brand new Lamborghini’s usually start at around $191,900 - $259,100 this making a huge difference. As also, the Ferrari 458I coming in at a price of $233,509. The GT-R defeating both of these cars in the a quarter mile race. There are many more cars than just these two such as the Audi R8. The GT-R is a regular street-legal coupe with a V6 engine twin turbo car, yet it can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 2.8 seconds. Helping it able to do this is its 6-speed dual clutch automated manual transaxle clutch. The GT-R is an all-around better car for its speed and price. The Nissan GTR-R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and the cost being a huge deficit. What makes this an incredibly fast car is its all-wheel drive transmission. This allowing the car to get all four wheels to the road with horse power behind it. Then with almost equal weight to on the front and back side of the car which making the car very well made with weight distribution. Next is Nissan’s engine they …show more content…

The benefit from it is that it’s so cheap and also, beating bigger competitors that are worth more. As an example used above the Lamborghini Gallardo and the Ferrari 458i. Another great feature on why it beats these cars is that the engine is hand built. Every single part is put on by a man to perfect precision so there are no mistakes. Also there are two twin tubro’s to help go along which makes this car faster than the bigger competitors. The GTR might not beat cars that are worth in the millions but it still beats a decent amount of cars that are priced in the 200,000 -400,000 dollars group. The Nissan GTR-R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and the cost being a huge deficit in

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