
No Exit By Jean Paul Sartre

Decent Essays

In No Exit, a play written by philosopher and existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, three characters are placed in a small room assumed to be hell with minimal furniture, space, and points of interest. The two women and one man are forced to face their own as well as the others’ sins and true natures, exposing each other in a raw truth. In many of his works, Sartre attempts to get important messages across that coincide with his philosophies. A piece that is easy to use to compare with the play is the essay The Humanism in Existentialism, as everything written in it are his own thoughts and commentary on life, how it should be lived, humanity, and how humans relate to each other and the world around them. That being said, he purposely writes No Exit in a way that blatantly disregards some of his main points. More specifically, through his writing of the characters in the play, Sartre very clearly demonstrates his contempt for and low standards of humanity by portraying each individual as having unique aspects of his negativity. One character in the play is named Estelle Rigault. She lived a life full of sin, including adultery and murder, before she died of pneumonia and was sent to hell. Estelle, though married to an older man, had an affair with another named Roger, which resulted in a baby. While on a trip with her lover, she dropped the baby over a balcony into a lake and drowned it. When asked about the baby, Estelle says, “‘It pleased him to no end, having a daughter. It

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