
No Good Deed Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Format, premise, character traits and relationships for the episode analyzed. Daniel, you chose a great format style for the series, “No Good Deed,” your analysis was broken down quite well. I do agree with this series can fall under the drama comedic style of the webisode. You mentioned,” Ernest Fiddler, is blunt and straight to the point. If his son makes a mistake, Ernest tells him his errors without a filter. The script stated by Ernest to Roy, “One, don’t let those quacks put me on life support, tubes all stickin’ out of me and whatnot. When it’s my time, it’s my time.” This statement proves he was blunt and direct in his speech. You also mentioned, “The main protagonist, Roy Fiddler, has a good sense of justice. Roy always strives to do what is right, unaware of the problems he might encounter.” This is shown in the script, “Roy looks at the flowers and smiles, an idea coming to him. Checking no one’s looking, he ditches the coffee line and salvages the flowers from the trash.” Roy had a good sense to do something good, however, his good deed turns deadly when his father goes into a coma due to an allergic reaction. Overall, your format, premise, character traits and relationship was well documented. …show more content…

You mentioned, “The premise of the series is based on the idea that a good deed can go a long way.” I can see your premise working within a 6-minute webisode. I can visually see Roy going through life trying to fulfill his father request, by doing good deeds. Overall, your premise is appropriate for a successful 6-minute

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