
Non-verbal Communication Essay

Decent Essays

Not a day goes by that an individual does not interact with another person, either by phone or in person. There will always be some interaction between two or more people. This interaction will bring about many thought process and emotions that will give the receiver a cue to respond with verbal and nonverbal messages.

`“Every time one person interacts with another non-verbal communication takes place, it `may be intentional or unintentional, but it is part of the rapid stream of communication that passes between two interacting individual” (Gabbott & Hogg, 2001).
The responses will either be acceptable or unacceptable. Outcomes will vary. No one reacts in the same way as another individual. Examples would be a surprise birthday part …show more content…

Merriam-Webster defines non-sequiturs as “an inference that does not follow from the basis premises (Non-sequitur, 2011).” The cause and effect of facial expressions are unrelated. Cultures will differ in nonverbal communication and actions but the facial expressions basically the same.
Body gestures are physical types of nonverbal communication. Tapping of a pencil on a desk while studying, a wave from someone to gain another’s attention, or hand signals such as Sign Language or police directing traffic.
Body Language and Posture How the sender present himself/herself sends nonverbal communication to a receiver. Handshakes, eye contact, facial expressions, and posture send silent messages to the other person. Posture is an indicator of approachability. The distinction in posture is rectangular and triangular. The posture or position of two people will indicate private conversations (rectangle) or an invitation to join in a conversation (triangle) (Bjorseth, 2007).

Space, proxemics, is the distance between two or more people. The distance between individuals at a social gathering will be approximately 18 inches compared speaking to an audience, which is 12 to 15 feet. This is better known as space between individuals.
Eye Gaze
“Looking, staring and blinking can also be important nonverbal behaviors” (Cherry, 2011). When an individual meets another person or sees something the eyes

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