
Noroviruses Case Study

Decent Essays

Table of contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 What are Noroviruses? 1.2 Survival characteristics 2.0 Case study 2.1 Background 2.2 Food-borne illness 2.3 Food safety 1.0 Introduction 1.1 What are Noroviruses? What are Noroviruse? Lawley, R., Curtis, L.C. and Davis, J. (2008, p123 - 126) explain in the book that Noroviruses is the name given to group of related non-enveloped, single-stranded RNA viruses that have recently been catalogue in the family Caliciviridae, genus Norovirus. This is a kind of highly infections enteric viruses that it is a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans (the infection is often called viral gastroenteritis). BBC’s (2011) a news shows that it is the high-contagious …show more content…

(2011) describes a incident that a food poisoning outbreak at Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck restaurant in spring 2009 was the biggest linked to norovirus contamination at a restaurant ever recorded. In the incident at least 240 people had sick, with symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. After the incident, a report said that contaminated oysters and handling of food by infected staffer said to be the likely causes. At the time they voluntarily closed the restaurant and called in the relevant departments when the restaurant was confirmed as oysters contaminated at source by norocirus. They co-operated with all parties fully and transparently and received a cleanliness of health to reopen after a 10-day investigation. Because of the reason they will still do not provide …show more content…

The most important part of train food safety link to prevent foods from becoming contaminated. Making sure that any type of food is not contaminated during storage. Lawley, R., Curtis, L.C. and Davis, J. (2008, P1) depict describes that the practice of food safety can be distilled down to tree basic operations. The first aspect that protection of the food supply from harmful contamination, the second aspect that prevention of the development and spread of harmful contamination, the final aspect that effective removal off contamination and contaminants 2.4 HACCP analyze What is the HACCP? Tutor clarify the term HACCP in class, HACCP is an abbreviation of five words: hazard, analysis, critical, control and points. It is consist of HACCP is part of a food safety management system, it help food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to make sure the food produced is safe to eat. HACCP is essential that business is committed to operating the system in full otherwise the benefits will be reduced and food safety

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