
North Korea 's Current Day Issues

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When someone says North Korea, what do you think of? Many think of the controversial politics, their controversial leader, or even the controversial movie, “The Interview.” The majority of people don’t tend to think about the country’s geography, or how North Korea’s history shaped its future. Today’s media tends to focus on the actions of Kim Jong-Un. Politics are a huge part of North Korea, but so are its history, economy and its geography. By analyzing these four features of the country, we can see how they relate to North Korea’s current day issues. (Perfect introduction!)
North Korea is in the northernmost region of the Korean peninsula. A peninsula is a strip of land surrounded by water on three sides. The Bay of …show more content…

ECONOMIC SYSTEM The economical system of North Korea is known as a strict command economy. This means that the government is in full control of the market. They determine what goods should be produced, how many goods should be produced, and the price of the products. After the Korean War, North Korea focused heavily on industrial development. This gave them a boost in metal manufacturing. In the modern day, North Korea now focuses on improving their military through heavy government spending. This spending along with other economic setbacks, such as international debt, have North Korea’s economy on a stable decline with short periods of improvement, according to Investopedia. It should also be noted that North Korea is very private when it comes to its economical records since they haven’t released any reliable data on the state of their economy. The statements previously made in this paragraph can’t fully be trusted due to the lack of dependable sources. (
HISTORICAL OVERVIEW After World War II, Korea was split up into two regions, North and South Korea. North Korea emerged as a communist country in 1948 under Kim II-sung. In 1950, the Korean War began when North Korean forces marched into areas of South Korea. This was seen as an invasion and chaos followed. The fighting among the two sides continued until an armistice was signed in July 1953. Even though the fighting came to a halt, the

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