
Northern Canada 's Cultural Competence

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Title TBD Remote communities such as those in northern Canada consistently experience a shortage of healthcare providers (HCP) including nurses (Place, Macleod, Moffitt & Pitblado, 2014). Due to the cultural and geographical uniqueness of these areas, challenges are inevitable, however, it can be undoubtedly rewarding. Nurses can particularly gain valuable experience regarding the importance of cultural competence and its implementation.Therefore, this paper will discuss the context of northern Canadian communities as well as three challenges and three benefits faced by nurses working there. Considering the populations in these communities are culturally diverse, it is especially essential for the nurses to have the appropriate cultural knowledge and skills in working with these populations. Consequently, we will also explore the definition of cultural competence, other terms used to describe this concept and how nurses can ensure they have the necessary cultural competence to work with these communities.
Context of Northern Communities in Canada Northern Canada is comprised of remote stretches of land that “are removed from major population and service centres” (Schmidt, 2008, p. 3). Many of the services easily available in urban areas are not readily available in these areas (Schmidt, 2008). Significant barriers to accessing health care can be seen as “more than two thirds of residents in northern and remote regions live more than 100 kilometers from a

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