
Northern European Diets

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From what I’ve read in the text, the Northern European countries of Great Britain, Ireland, and France, have very rich food items in their typical diets. In Great Britain and Ireland lots of higher fat meats, potatoes, and breads make up the basic diet. French menu items are also based in meat and fish, famously prepared with added fats, such as butter, lard and olive oil. Luckily, though, all Northern European countries do have good crop growing conditions. The availability of fresh fruits and vegetables contributes healthy items to otherwise fatty diets.
The Southern European countries of Italy, Spain, and Portugal have what is known as the Mediterranean diet, which some Americans are now trying to follow. One of the similarities in the preparation of menu items typically eaten in the Southern European countries is the use of olives and olive oil, especially important because Spain produces the most olives in the world. Tomatoes, cheese, and garlic are also prevalent in meal preparations, as well as the use of fresh fruit in beverage and dessert offerings. All in all the Southern European diets seem to provide a …show more content…

I’ve been to many hotels and restaurants around the United States and Canada that offer an afternoon tea that emulates the British tradition. I must say that the presentation of the assortment of delicate food items along with the impeccable service provided make tea feel more like a celebration or event than just a simple meal. It was interesting to learn that one of my favorite childhood dishes came directly from Florence, Italy. The green spinach fettucini that my grandmother would make for me, with a very light Alfredo sauce, was so delicious. I was aware of the term Florentine to indicate that spinach is a featured ingredient in the dish, but did not put two and two together to realize that Florentine is a direct reference to Florence

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