
Nuclear Power : An Alternative Clean Energy

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As a result of the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuels have become a indivisible part of human 's society. On one hand, they are the main sources of power generation; on the other hand, the emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels is causing global warming and climate change, widely considered as the most urgent problems this planet is facing right now. In order to mitigate the process of global warming, an introduction of an alternative clean energy to replace part of the burden of fossil fuels production becomes necessary. Nuclear power turns out to be the solution to this problem. Unlike other kinds of clean energy, nuclear energy can produce great amount of electricity and power without releasing any greenhouse gas. Although nuclear energy has become the alternate energy option because of its low emission of greenhouse gas and its productive efficiency, it has brought up unanticipated problems such as nuclear terrorism. The increasing number of nuclear power plants around the world gives terrorists opportunities to steal radioactive materials to create bombs. To prevent this from happening, the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO), a subdivision of Homeland Security Department, established a detection system called "Enhanced Global Nuclear Detection Architecture," which is be deployed worldwide to monitor unauthorized activities that are associated with nuclear matters (Shea). Although fossil fuels have supplied large amount of energy to support the economy,

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