The Author will describe the nurses role and discuss individualised patient care based around legal and ethical frameworks that guide and govern nurses in their roles as healthcare professionals. A five stage process to nursing care is one framework use to deliver this care and consists of assessment, diagnosis, care planning, implementation and evaluation and is an on-going, continuous cycle that only ends when goals are achieved and homeostasis is restored, or reasonable expectations of health for individuals are met.
There are many definitions on the role of the professional nurse and one put forward by the RCN (2002) states that Nursing is the use of clinical judgement and the provision of care to enable people to promote, improve,
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Care planning is seen as a decision making process creating a record of specific care for the individual. It involves the whole nursing team and other professionals like physiotherapists, dieticians, social workers, key workers and community nurses (Kopp, 1996) Nurses have the closest contact with patients and are essentially seen as the binding agents bringing all aspect of care together.
A care plan is a legal record of continuous care the patient requires, receives and condition of the patient.
It is in essence a written prescription for care following assessment and diagnosis, which may be implemented by other professionals. The planning process involves setting goals for the patient to achieve, with the assistance of the nurse where goals are expectations, in this instance for the patient to achieve to recover health. These must be realistic, measurable, observable and achievable within a limited time scale, with an expected written outcome that is short and explicit. A patient for example may have had a hip operation, so one goal identified and written in their care plan would be to walk a short distance, by themselves, by day three. It would be unrealistic to expect them to walk up a flight of stairs, within this time, if the patients expected stay for this operation was only one week (Hogston & Simpson,
Care delivery models are an integral component for delivering patient care. With the collaboration of other members of the healthcare team, the Registered nurse is able to fully optimize his/her skill sets to provide to best quality care. As discussed consistency and coordinated care are the key. Studies must be conducted and evidence base practice must be implemented in order to find the model that is suitable for a particular unit. How models are implemented in an organization can be highly variable. Completion of this assignment has enlightened me on the profound impact that care models have in the flow of a unit. Newer models
It is important to follow the agreed care plan because it forms the basis of what is considered best interest for the individual, it is unique to them and details their needs and preferences. All care givers to the individual
There are seven key roles of the Professional Nurse according to ATI Nurse Touch: Becoming a Professional Nurse module. The Care Provider uses the nursing process to help clients, coordinates care, has a caring attitude and
For the appropriate care to be planned for a patient it should be looked at in a holistic manner (NMC
As healthcare professionals, nurses are governed by and must have understanding of ethical, legal and professional frameworks which underpin practice (Gallagher and Hodge, 2012). They follow these frameworks to help direct themselves in making decisions in collaboration with service users to ensure person centred care is delivered.
A care plan is a system designed for assessing the help the service user will need. There are four stages of a care they are assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. The role of the care planning process in identifying Floras would be Assessment is the first stage. The assessment will help the care service get a clearer understanding of what the problem is. Person centre point this would come under because it sets goals for short term and long term. This is known as goals as what they want to achieve an example of this could be to help Flora talk better for the future by teaching her basic words to begin and then for long term it can be for Flora to talk full again. An example of this would be a meeting to help Flora understand
Before leaving, each individuals care plan must be read to see if they have any special needs to be adhered to such as medication at specific times and if the medication should be taken with food.
Using patient centred care during this process will ensure that the care and treatment is specific to the patients’ needs and choices, (NICE, 2013) maintaining and ensuring dignity at all times. This focuses on three important features – respect, compassion and sensitivity, (Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2014) aiding the therapeutic relationship, (Cobb et al, 2012) which in turn will provide better care for the patient as they begin to
Provides comprehensive safe, quality practice to achieve agreed goals and outcomes that are responsive to the nursing needs of people
Professional nursing practice has been developing for several centuries. Nursing as a profession can be traced back to the early Christian era. Since then the perception of nursing practice has changed significantly. “Nursing is caring, commitment, and dedication to meeting the functional health needs of all people” (Craven &
Between writing care plans, and drawing my Care Map; I would be up the night before clinicals started for the week until at least 2am typically. Care Maps and Care Plans are guides for Nurse’s to make sure they are sticking to the plan of care that has been established, and to ensure that the patient is getting the best care possible. Care Maps helped nursing students to understand why the disease processes were occurring in their selected patient; and what the focus was at the time to improve the patient’s health. Betty Neuman developed a nursing model that would assist in patient’s receiving higher level care.
The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate the ability in a nursing context, to take information given on an assigned Case study scenario and carry out a complete documentation are plan for the patient, on her specific problems that is an issue at the present time.. For the plan of care, I will look more in-depth at the scenario and case study provided for Mrs Greta Balodis, focusing on Day One post op care as requested for the documentation provided by the course co-ordinator. Assessing relevant care of Greta, with a view to the information from the case study. Using a full and complete care plan, the information will present in more detail, the SMART mode is applicable to show two long term and two short-term key goals and the rationale of the goals. Included, as an appendix is the documented care plan for the patient. Legal and ethical considerations pertinent for the case study and the rationale of why with detailed information and supporting referenced material is included for legal and ethical considerations, this will be to ensure that a understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding Greta Balodis are present. A list of the Inter-professional team that would be included in the treatment of the patient , rationales behind, why each is included and a detailed look at one of the professionals. The conclusion illustrates learnt information that contributes to a nursing student’s educational learning from the assignment and an overview and
The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse’s decision-making (“American Nurses Association,” 2010).
“Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles” (ICN 2010)
Coulter, Decenzo, and Robbins (2014) said that “planning involves defining the organization’s objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. It’s concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it’s to be done)” (p.123). To assess how planning assists Mrs. Kirby 's ability to be more effective, she discussed defining goals, establishing a strategy, developing plans to manage activities and encouraging organizational members to keep attentive. Mrs. Kirby stated that the goal for the nursing staff is