
Nursing Interventions: A Case Study

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After Max transferred to a ward from PARU, there are list of nursing interventions to care for Max. First of all, Farrell and Dempsey (2011) explains that nurse in charge of Max must check the record from PACU such as operation performed, presence and locations of any drains, anaesthetics used, postoperative diagnosis, estimated blood loss and medications administered in the recovery room. Furthermore, check surgeon’s postoperative orders such as IV solutions and IV medications, position in bed, food and fluid restriction, medication order, test results, intake and output and activity permitted. (Farrell & Dempsey, 2011). Once checking information is done, nursing interventions can be performed. When nurse introduces and inform patient about …show more content…

There wasn’t any known information regards patient being nill by mouth but nurse needs to find out before giving medication orally and nurse also need to ask Max if he have difficulty swallowing medication and if not, it is ok to give him orally but if Max informs that he cannot swallow drug, then nurse need to report to doctor for new prescription. When giving prescribed medications always do 5 checks 3 times and look up on drug book if you don’t know what they are for. Tollefson (2010) emphasise that when administering IV drugs, assess for patency, IV site is clean and check for infection and then flush medication. Comeback 15~30 mins later to check for ease of pain by pain assessment and then perform wound dressing. In the case study, Max has bilateral nasal packing with a Kaltostat alginate dressing and a gauze nasal bolster. The nurse must perform with aseptic non touch techniques, with saline and clean gauze nasal bolster, nurse needs to insert while checking a surgical site. Using the clean Kaltostat alginate dressing will be used to moist and protect the site as they are suitable for acute wounds with minor bleeding. However, nasal packs needs to be removed before Max gets

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