
Nutritional Therapy

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The normal functioning of the human GI tract depends on factors such as intestinal microflora, genetic predisposition, and the nutritional status of an individual. Conditions such as IBD (CD and UC), microbial gastroenteritis, NSAID-related enteropathy, and colorectal cancers can cause severe inflammation of the intestinal tract that result in impaired absorption. The treatment options available for IBD have variable effectiveness, which calls for novel therapeutic interventions. Treatment options for IBD usually involve pharmacological agents such as cortisone, aminosalicylates, antibiotics, and surgical intervention. However, these treatment options have not been demonstrated to be curative and each carry potentially significant side effects. …show more content…

The research presented underscores the significance that nutritional-based approaches can provide in relieving symptoms and reducing acute exacerbations. Diet composition, mode of administration, and disease assessment criteria are some of the factors that influence the efficacy of nutrition-based therapy and need further investigation to be better understood. Further there is also need to examine nutrient bioavalability across the intestinal barrier specifically at sites of inflammation implicated in UC and CD. Future RCT findings would help evaluate and validate the clinical efficacy of various EN formulae and their uses based on the acuity of the patient. The primary care nurse practitioner (NP) can be instrumental in educating, assessing and supporting a nutritional management approach in compliant patients to extend remission, reduce acute exacerbations and improve quality of life in adult IBD patients. With the lack of sufficient data, based on the state of the evidence, a trial and error approach on patient specific food triggers and tolerances may be the only option for the NP in helping IBD patients

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