
OOSE 2015 Project Minecraft

Satisfactory Essays

OOSE 2015 – Project Marks:        40% of overall marks for module. Project deliverables should be completed in groups of two (2) people. The main objective of this project is the development of a computer system for a Minecraft Game System. The project is composed of multiple sections or deliverables. The project work should be carried out in as homework and in specified labs. You may use any diagramming tool (Rational Rose, Visio, Gliffy, Smartdraw etc.) to carry out the project but the final work must be presented on paper. IBM Rational Rose must be used to complete at least three deliverables. The full Project needs to be completed and returned to Pádraig de Burca on paper by Thursday 9 April 2015 / Saturday 11 April 2015 as …show more content…

(10 Marks) (v) Create a glossary that lists and defines all the terms that require clarification. (5 marks) (vi) Draw a System Sequence diagram from the conceptual model. (10 Marks) (vii) Develop a Contract for any system operation in the system sequence diagram. (5 marks) (viii) Draw a Collaboration diagram based on the above contract. The collaboration diagram should demonstrate the use of design patterns. (15 marks) (ix) Draw a Component diagram for the system. (10 marks) (x) Draw a Deployment diagram for the system. (10 marks) (xi) Presentation (how well does the package of models look?). (6 marks) (xii) Use of Rational Rose. (9 marks) OOSE Minecraft Project Page 3 Notes UC Modelling Principles          Relevant Actors are Identified Relevant UC’s are identified UC’s provide value to the actor UC descriptions are based on a template The UC is described in great detail The activation is correctly written Mainflow is a sequence of logical transactions The mainflow is enumerated Alternate flows are described and labelled correctly Class Diagram Concepts The conceptual class diagram should demonstrate the use of  names from the problem domain as documented in the use case,  attributes and methods,  relationships,  roles,  constraints,  association class,  multiplicity  composition Principles for Interaction Diagrams and Patterns   Demonstrate interaction diagrams collaboration diagrams, sequence diagrams, statechart

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