
Essay on Ob364 A1

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Part A: Question 1 The foundation of open systems theory is that all the components of an organization are inter-related, thus, changing one variable impacts many other components of the organization. Additionally, organizations use external and internal inputs to produce outputs. (McShane & Steen, 2009). Further, there is a nonlinear relationship between different components of an organization. Meaning, a small change in one variable can cause enormous changes in another, and conversely, large changes in one variable may have a small effect on another. Therefore, organizations are in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Thus, organizations are seen as open systems which continually interact with their external environment …show more content…

However, those employees that are constantly late are not demonstrating their aptitude and capability to perform their job, as the behavior of being late shows they do not value either their job and/or company time. Role perception is also a very key component of the MARS model of behavior and it appears as though both groups of employees (those going to see clients and those who are late) are clear about their role within the organization, however, they are choosing to ignore company policy. This lack of understanding needs to be addressed as company policy has outlined to employees that they must come to the office first. Thus, while some employees ignore this aspect, they have a clear understanding of their tasks and how to complete them. Meaning, even though it is company policy to come to the office first, they may feel their priority sales performance; therefore, they use the opportunity to meet with clients to achieve that level of performance. On the other hand, those employees who are late for work are clearly ignoring company policy and there are no consequences for the behavior and actions to which they are accountable. Lastly, situational factors also play role in employee behavior and performance. Traffic, sleeping in, sick children, illness etc can be factors that contribute to lateness. The difference is whether the lateness is an ongoing

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