
Obama Care Case Study Solution

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Problem Statement: - US health care costs currently exceed 17% of GDP and continue to rise. Other countries spend less of their GDP on health care but have the same increasing trend. Explanations are not hard to find. The aging of populations and the development of new treatments are behind some of the increase. Perverse incentives also contribute: Third-party payors (insurance companies and governments) reimburse for procedures performed rather than outcomes achieved, and patients bear little responsibility for the cost of the health care services they demand. But few acknowledge a more fundamental source of escalating costs: the system by which those costs are measured. To put it bluntly, there is an almost complete lack of understanding of how much it costs to deliver patient care, much less how those costs compare with the outcomes achieved. Instead of focusing on the costs of treating individual patients with specific medical conditions over their full cycle of care, providers aggregate and analyze costs at the …show more content…

Another possible solution that's gaining steam is the idea of importing pharmaceutical products from overseas countries where better pricing controls are in place. Being able to buy from foreign markets could help break down the monopoly/oligopoly U.S. drugmakers hold on cancer drugs and their pricing. Being able to buy prescription drugs overseas was one of the seven key points Donald Trump highlighted in his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. [9]

- Allow the FDA to have some say on pricing. An intriguing idea proposed by the Mayo Clinic last year was to allow the FDA and/or physician panels to offer price target ranges for newly approved drugs based on the magnitude of the benefit of the drug. The idea would seem to have a lot of merit since the FDA's researchers are deeply involved in analyzing trial study data, so they'd presumably be some of the best judges of overall treatment benefit.

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