Central Idea: Obesity has become a controversial and big medical issue within today’s society. (Attention Getter): Take a look around you the next time you go to the store, to the mall, the movies, or anywhere that you go. What you will see is what has apparently become the new trend among children and adults. What you will see has become a big problem and it will continue to grow each year. Is obesity the fastest growing condition in the United States. After researching this topic and based on my health class last semester obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. One of the keys to living a long and happy life is being physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Obesity in the United States is at an all time high and will continue to rise. Adults aren’t the only one’s getting fat. The outbreak is now spreading to children at an alarming rate. Today I will give you three main point concerning obesity. For my first point I will tell you how big of crisis obesity has become in America. My second point explains what some of the major causes of obesity are and my third point is about the major risk factors of being obese. (MAIN POINT 1): America has a crisis of obesity. Pediatrician believes that being obese or over weight is reported to be the most common prevalent nutritional disorder in the United States. America leads all the country with just over 30% of people being
In today’s day and age, I believe obesity is the primary health problem in the United States. Obesity affects every state, city, community and school across the nation. According to the CDC, nearly one third (36%) of American are obese and one in five school aged children (6-19) are obese.
Obesity has been a problem in America for multiple years. Obesity rates in the United States are going to increase 37% in the next twenty-five years (Pomeranz 2009). According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 68.8% of adults are overweight or obese, one in every 20 people or 6.3% of adults have extreme obesity and 3 in every 4 males or 74% of males are obese (Overweight and Obesity 2009). Once someone comes to the realization that they are obese, it can be hard to turn their life around and lose some of that weight that is making them obese. Obesity can be the cause of multiple health related issues that Americans face. For example, obesity can cause type two diabetes, cardio metabolic disease,
This book comprehensively addresses the subject of obesity. Apart from highlighting the main causes of the epidemic, the book also presents suggestions on what can be done to stem the rising rates of obesity.
This article is helpful for access to some statics about obesity such as “Nearly 78 million adults and 13 million children in the United States deal with the health and emotional effects of obesity every day”. I am going to use a few statistics like this in my main paper. The point of the article is to get at the facts about obesity and show that it’s a main problem in America today and that’s what I like about this source. It covers topics such as statistics to ways to cure obesity. The most
In modern America obesity is one of the largest problems. Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970s (Food Research and Action Center P.1). This significant increase of obesity in Americans has caused the number of issues that range from traditional health problems to national defense.
Today, 78.1 million American adults and 12.5 million children are obese. Obesity in America is a unstoppable epidemic. Since the 1960s, the number of obese adults have doubled and the number of obese children have tripled. Because of America’s obesity problems, Surgeon General David Satcher issued a report saying; "The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight," said that obesity "have reached epidemic proportions" in America. Obesity in America has no doubt reached epidemic proportions. Since 2001, America has been the most obese country in the world. This essay discusses what obesity is and how it is affecting today’s America by answers the following questions:
Obesity has been measured or defined in various ways. Many researchers have differing opinions on the origins and effects of obesity. The rapidly increasing rates of obesity are often linked to a high calorie diet and little to no physical activity. Although obesity is seen as a disease that affects a person’s weight, it actually affects a lot more than that. Obesity can affect individuals in both adolescence and adulthood, their families, and the healthcare system. From an outside viewpoint, obesity looks like a disease that careless, inactive people develop. Not always is this the case. Obesity is not a disease that affects solely the weight of a person. To be considered obese, your BMI (body mass index) would have to be 30 or higher. Almost 70 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. Not only does obesity affect the weight of a person, it can also lead to increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, and many other things. Questions posed on this dreadful disease by many people are on the origin of the disease, the effects and exponential growth of the disease, and the actions that are being taken to help provide a healthier environment for Americans and to establish programs and preventative methods across the country to help fight the ever increasing obesity rate.
America is facing a rigorous obesity plague that is endangering the health of millions. Moreover, we are passing our bad practices down to our children. Obesity is a stipulation in which anomalous or excessive fat buildup in adipose tissue that damages health. Obesity is defined in adults as a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30 (kg/m). Obesity is one of the most discernible, but until recently, most deserted public health problems. The present high pervasiveness of obesity and the brisk increase in pervasiveness in the last twenty years has been referred to as an endemic (Johnson SJ, Birch LL. 1994). Children all through the U.S. are getting fatter and less fit, through potentially treacherous enduring consequences. The figure of
Establish Need/Relevance: Obesity is spreading across the United States and is becoming a serious problem that can affect anyone. Not only is obesity affecting adults but it is also affecting children as well. According to The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets: A Guide to Health and Nutrition written by the authors Megan Porter and Tish Davidson, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Obesity has become a major problem in America today. It is the condition of being extremely over weight, is widespread and is one of the leading health problems in the United States today. Almost two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese and obesity has more than doubled in the past couple decades. It causes extreme health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and can lead to death. Unless, there is a major change regarding diet, exercise and life style in America, then the obesity rates will continue to rise, causing health problems that can affect a persons life forever. If both children and adults change their diet and lifestyle, then the rate of obesity will decrease, resulting in healthier bodies and a longer life
Obesity has caused great dilemma in America. It was known as an adult disease. “Over two thirds of adults are over weight or obese.”(Obesity, Jerry R Ballenttne) these numbers are increasing rapidly. Obesity is not just a appearance
In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem in American society. In the past three decades, the rate of overweight children has increased by 300%. This is an alarming rate that is only climbing higher. Every member in society should take steps to becoming healthier. This would help the present generations as well as future generations to come. The lifestyle of Americans keeps us too busy to be a healthy society.
Fighting obesity is major in the society we live in today. Obesity has become a big part in the lives of Americans. Most of the American population is obese. When an individual is obese, they have an excessive amount of body fat. In the society we live in, there are many different ways to fight obesity. Ways to fight obesity are eating healthy going to the gym and getting motivated to change.
Obesity is a rising health concern in Canada, affecting almost 1 in 4 adults. The prevalence of obesity is growing at an alarming rate, considering 1 in 16 Canadian adults met the criteria for obesity in 1985 (1). Obesity is associated with co-morbidities such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, certain cancers, depression and decreased quality of life (1). Bariatric surgery has proven to be an effective, long-term treatment for obesity and some related co-morbidities when provided to appropriate candidates (2). As obesity rates rise, and bariatric surgery continues to gain recognition as an effective treatment, demand for bariatric surgery will continue to grow, leading to an inevitable increase in wait times.
Obesity and overweight are among the pressing health problems among children and adolescents in the developed world.