
Obesity Essay

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Obesity is defined as the condition of having excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in proportion to lean body mass (2), and it has been recognised as one of the main preventable risk factors for the osteoarthritis (OA) of the large joints in the lower extremities (1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12). The excess body weight caused increased biomechanical load to weight-bearing joints (4, 8). This will eventually contribute to increased prevalence of and severity of musculoskeletal disorder and orthopaedic impairments (1, 2, 10). Resulting in reduce ability of the individual to perform simple daily activities (1, 4, 5). The limitations are usually noticeable during weight bearing tasks including walking, stair-climbing, and rising from a …show more content…

During the single limb support phase, the pelvis has rotated on its vertical axis. As the centre of gravity shifts, the femur rotates internally, and advances in a semi-circular arc during the swing phase. The internal rotation of the femur forces the knee to adduct during the single limb support phase. From the initial contact to the loading response, there is limited dorsiflexion of the ankle. When there is reduced degree of ankle dorsiflexion during the initial contact, the time required for the foot to move between initial contact and loading response has been shorten. Hence the subject appears to be slapping the foot into the ground as it approaches the loading response. A small degree of out-toeing was also present during the swing phase.

Sagittal Plane
Throughout the whole gait cycle, kyphosis and anterior tilt of the hip is observed. As the result of anterior pelvic tilt, the hip is flexed and lumbar is extended during the weight acceptance stage. There is reduced hip flexion during the weight acceptance stage, and reduced hip extension throughout the stance phase. From the terminal stance to pre-swing, there is inadequate knee flexion where the ankle remained in neutral position resulting in prolonged heel contact. As the knee flexion has reduced from the terminal stance to pre-swing, the ability of the ankle to dorsiflex has decline. During the loading response, the ankle moves from

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