A lot of people think that obesity is something that 's not a serious issue and can be resolved in a matter of seconds. Well their wrong. Obesity is a life changing disease that kills thousands of people daily. Obesity is a chronic illness due to an abundance of fat in the body. Only a certain amount of fat in the body is required to store things like body heat and energy. Too much body fat however, can be tragic to our bodies. Obesity is not just in adults. It’s seen more and more in teens as well as adults and even the elderly. It’s something that started to grow over time. As time passed and the economy took a turn for the worst, obesity has increased and is something we as American’s should change. Obesity can be influenced by many things including ones eating habits, a person’s lifestyle, a person’s genes or even friends and family. Many things influence our eating behaviors such as stress, physical and mental emotions and the availability of food. If one of your parents are obese, there’s a 95 percent chance that you will be as well. Friends and family are an even worst group because if they tend to eat a lot of junk foods and skip meals, chances are you will too. Obesity is seen throughout the world today. However it’s seen more and more in Americans. Poverty plays a huge role in obesity because we’re always looking for the cheapest way out. Because most Americans are in need of more money we tend to buy and look for things that are cheaper and in our budget. As far
Obesity does not discriminate against social status, sex, or race; it can take a person’s life and turn it upside down in the blink of an eye if they are not careful. Some people think of obesity as a worldwide killer because there is no outrunning it if it overtakes a person’s body. Every 1 in 3 adults are obese right here in America, that should give each and every individual some type of hint that there is a major problem occurring. The obesity epidemic is not something that has just caught the attention of people recently; it has been going on since the 1950’s! This epidemic is a major problem; over 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being obese or extremely overweight and over 40 million children were said to be obese in
Obesity is a classified disorder that occurs in the body when someone overeats which results to an immoderate body weight. This happens to be the central cause of death in America according to CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention). States with low income, who live in poverty often are dealing with obesity due to either food insecurity, or their area being a food dessert this often deals with the state’s location, money (income), and the society’s attitude towards food. There is a link between poverty and obesity because usually when living in poverty the area does not have lots of fresh foods, so the people there turn to the unhealthy foods because they are more affordable in their region.
Obesity is becoming more and more prominent in our country. In today’s society it is not rare to see someone who is obese, it is America’s epidemic. The pressure to be thin is at its highest and many people across America are found in a battle against their own body. Shaming people for being obese is growing in our country. Media and doctors are telling us that being fat is not tolerable.
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fats have grown and accumulated to the point of harm, and a shortened life expectancy. Obesity is a problem that has been more prominent in the 20th and 21st century and is now a main concern for both society and the government. It is the citizen’s duty to resolve this epidemic known as obesity in the United States.
It is said that obesity can be caused by not knowing how to combat and prevent this common disease before it begins in poverty stricken areas. Additionally the availability of nutritious food choices and the means to have safe active life style are not available to those who suffer from poverty due to financial and educational disadvantages. Obesity is not just a class problem, but financially disadvantaged people that lack access to quality food will inevitably turn to high calorie processed foods that will stretch their food dollar.
When we talk about people’s health in United States, what generally pops up in mind? Many people might think of several diseases, for instance stroke and cancer, but nobody thinks about the existing disease, Obesity, which is becoming one of the leading problems in the United States. One of the definitions of Obesity is growth of redundant fat in the body. This is an everyday life disease that spreads rapid universally. Today, obesity affects people of all ages, gender, and ethnicity. As most of the Americans know that this country had an absolute history of having solutions of difficult problems, but it looks like obesity has trapped in the lifestyle of the American people. In the article, entitled, “Yes, Obesity is a Disease,” the
Obesity is a prevalent public health epidemic that we face today. Billions of dollars in the United States alone are being spent yearly to cover medical treatment for ailments triggered by this disease (Lee, Sheer, Lopez and Rosenbaum 2010). According to Public health Reports, federal and state governments currently are accountable for at least half of the medical expenses encountered from one being overweight and obese (Lee et al., 2010). Medicaid has the highest popularity of obese customers when compared to Medicare, private insurances, or even those uninsured. In 2004 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) acknowledged obesity as a medical condition. Children receiving Medicaid benefits are covered by the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program (Lee et al., 2010). This program covers health assessments from birth to age 21. Obese children under the (EPSDT) are eligible to receive free nutritional and behavioral education regarding this disease. Evidence based guidelines have proven that regular screenings and early intervention can have a great impact on decreasing childhood obesity. Unfortunately, not all states enforce these guidelines and this is where children often fall into the cracks. It is still an individual’s choice to follow through.
Part of this obesity issue is connected to the percent of people living under relative poverty line in the US is larger compared to other countries. This results in more lower income people
Obesity in the United States has really become an economic problem as well. People are spending the little money that they have and spending it on food that they shouldn’t be eating in the first place, which they should be spending their money on healthier and nutritious food, for themselves and their family. New England Medical Center, Michael Dansinger of the Tufts says:
Obesity is on the rise in American adults and children. Over 78.6 million Americans are considered obese (CDC, 2014). Health experts believe the obesity crisis has become an epidemic that needs to be controlled. Today many efforts are being made by Federal and state governments and some major companies to combat obesity in adults and children. For example, some major companies are rewarding employees with cash incentives for exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight. The federal government has even considered imposing a “fat tax” on unhealthy food and beverages to help in the fight against obesity. In this paper I will discuss if the argument that obesity is an epidemic is sound, if a person’s weight should be a topic of public discussion, and my own personal view of how obesity should be addressed.
Obesity has become a major problem in America today. It is the condition of being extremely over weight, is widespread and is one of the leading health problems in the United States today. Almost two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese and obesity has more than doubled in the past couple decades. It causes extreme health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and can lead to death. Unless, there is a major change regarding diet, exercise and life style in America, then the obesity rates will continue to rise, causing health problems that can affect a persons life forever. If both children and adults change their diet and lifestyle, then the rate of obesity will decrease, resulting in healthier bodies and a longer life
Obesity is becoming one of the biggest problems in the country, but there has to be reasons for it. It can be the economy, society now, or people and companies. It’s time that our country starts to realize that we can’t live like this anymore. We need to see what is causing the sudden rise in obesity, and what we can do to fix it. Education of risks and solutions can be very helpful. Obesity is killing so many people, yet is still 100 percent avoidable. Our country is beginning to care less and really let themselves go. The fast food industry, supermarkets, and schools are the ones at fault for the spreading problem of obesity.
Many don’t understand the causes of this obesity epidemic, but being educated on this topic is the best way to prevent and control this issue. A recent study from the Nation Center for Health Statistics show that nearly one third of the United States (adults 20 years of age and older) are obese. That’s over 100 million people just here in the United States. Among the children, 21 percent of teenagers are considered to be obese. According to John Hopkins University, being obese doesn’t just mean being overweight but also causing more critically health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, bladder diseases, arthritis, sleep apnea and some cancers.
Obesity is one of the most significant threats to America's future. For many people, this problem can be pushed to the back of the list of the issues that America has, but it needs to be addressed. America is on the right track to solving this problem, but I still think we can push it even further.
Everyone loves to eat food… especially in America where obesity has been a problem for years. Sadly, this essay is not about obesity but about something that could possibly be more life threatening. The issue in this essay is over the larger risk of eating food that has GMO’s that are also known as genetically modified organisms which are in the food we happen to eat every day and give to our family and friends. Largely, the stances are highly polarized with opponents saying it is all cancer causing, poisonous, and environmentally dangerous (The Truth about). I believe that some of these additives may not be safe for us and it is having an effect on our bodies which can lead to dangerousenvironmental effects like cancer for example. Some believe thatthe problem with GMO’s are that they are not one hundred percent natural. Before I even knew about GMO’s I was always devouring all kinds of foods that seemed at the time a little unhealthy but overall good to eat. After finding out the truth behind my favorite brands I was somewhat disgusted by I heard what has been inserted into these foods over the years. But just like the author said the world is not black and white, and we cannot lump an entire branch of science together with those abusing it (The Truth about). As a teenager I look forward to having a long and fulfilling life but with the way people say scientist and companies poison the food we eat I feel that just eating something with GMO’s in it will have a negative