
Obesity : The World Health Organization

Decent Essays

In today 's world, obesity has reached epidemic proportions – so much it has become a global epidemic. Coined 'globesity ' by the World Health Organization, obesity has more than doubled since the 1980s, and today more than 1.5 billion adults are considered overweight (1). Junk food comprises nearly one-third of the Standard American Diet while fresh fruits and vegetables make up only a mere 10 percent (2). In his news article 'Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables ', New York Times columnist Mark Bittman proposes taxing junk foods to combat the obesity epidemic. He says that by doing so will address and decrease the number of obesity-related diseases that Americans are faced with today and also tremendously reduce public health costs as well (3). Although a solution is in dire need, a junk food tax to address the obesity issue does not seem suitable or even practical because it infringes on people 's freedom of choice in terms of what to eat and not eat, raises controversy about what is considered healthy and not healthy and as a result of which food items get taxed, is hypocritical to an extent because the government will be adding to the false belief that eating junk food is the more affordable option. Trying to control what an individual eats by taxing unhealthy foods would essentially be infringing on people 's freedom of choice. Eating is a personal responsibility and to have the federal government intervene on behalf of its citizens by implementing a 'fat tax

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