Content Object – Oriented Programing (OOP) Languages. • What is the Object – Oriented Programing (OOP)? We should be talking about the “what is an Object?” before to talk about the what is an Object – Oriented Programing. So what is the Object in the programing world: General meaning of Object is a something. Sometimes it can be touch. Sometimes it cannot be touch. So Object – Oriented Programing is the objects based programs. Also such kind of programs depend on the interaction of objects. Ex :- Think about the Library management system. There are so many objects. Books, Library members, Librarian are few of them. Anyway, Object has a main two parts. i. Features / Fields ( Features represent as variables ) ii. Behaviours ( Behaviours represent as Methods ) Ex :- Let us consider about a car object. Car object has so many features. Speed, gear, RPM of the tyres are few of features. Also Car object has so many behaviours. Changing the gears, brake, Change of the peddle cadence are few of behaviours. Code sample for Object:- class Car{ Car c = new Car ( ); // create the new Car object in the Car class. } Main features of Object - Oriented Programing (OOP). There are so many features of Object – Oriented Programing. Among all of them main features are , i. Object ii. Class iii. Inheritance iv. Abstract class v. Interface vi. Data hiding and Encapsulation vii. Data Abstraction viii. Polymorphism We already know now
It consist of three parts: 1. Name of the class 2. Attributes of the class 3. Operations of the class.
Algorithms are set of steps for solving a problem; algorithms also make the program faster. For example, when you are checkers games and you want the user to be able to play against the computer. Computer scientist must figure how to a checkers’ program that never loses by using the minimax search algorithm to search through the huge tree of possible moves. Another interesting topic that I learned in the video is object code. Object code is the output of a compiler after processes source code; source code was written by a human in a programming language for a computer program. A compiler is a conversion of source code into object code. Object code is usually a CPU, but sometimes it designed to convert source code into an assembly language or into some other programming
Now a days many organizations are making use of computer based information systems. These information systems were developed decades ago using the procedural programming languages like C, COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, and PASCAL etc. Today many organizations are either developing new applications for the business by making use of the advancement in the technology or trying to abstract the functionality of the applications developed using procedural programming languages. The abstraction of functionality is carried out by first abstracting the data flow information and then transforming this information to the appropriate representation. This paper proposes a methodology which abstracts the structural information in the form of a data flow between the statements, function calls, etc. of the ‘C’ program.
In the computer hardware, it is what makes the work of the computer. The CPU processes information and can store this information in the RAM or the hard drive. Sound card, it is possible to provide audio to a speaker, a video card, will be able to provide an image on the monitor. All this is objects.
In Object-orientated approach methodology, a system is viewed as an object (Govardhan & Munassa: 71). This approach intergrades data and processes into objects. It emphasizes the construction and testing of object models. This technique uses UML diagrams such as Communication Diagrams, which show the relationship between objects, Development Diagrams which show how a complete system will be deployed on one or more machines, the Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram.
The class diagram is the main building block in object oriented modelling. They are being used both for general conceptual modelling of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modelling translating the models into programming code. The classes in a class diagram communicate to both the primary objects as well as communications in the application and the objects to be customized.
Programming languages are vast and diverse in their numbers. These different languages use fundamental styles of programming called programming paradigms. These programming paradigms layout the particular design approach that a program will use to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Of the many different types of programming paradigms, some of the more distinguished ones are procedural, functional, logical, and object orientated programming. Recently the object orientated languages have been rising in popularity due to their ability to easily implement large programs. There are many different object orientated programming languages (OOPLs), among them are C#, Java, Ruby, and Python. This essay will compare and contrast two of these languages: Python and Java.
Object Database – An object database is when objects are stored instead of data types like integers or strings. Objects are given an identity so that a reference can be given to it. Objects usually contain attributes and methods. Other objects that can be used are indexes, stored procedures, sequences, and many other objects.
Things have changes significantly since the early days of the automobile. What was once relative simple machinery (seen from today's point of view), it has developed to become a very complex system that makes a car what it is.
Instance of a class is a sub-category of that class. E.g. greyhound; dog. Every object has a class. Objects are instances of classes. Methods define what an object can do and properties describe it.
A program is aaa collection of instructions written in any programming language. They tell a computer how to perform a some task. It is just like a recipe which tells us how to prepare a particular dish and also describes all its ingredients and the steps to follow. Programming is also very similar in concept.
A class can be described as a collection of objects of similar type. These objects often share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics. Additionally, once a class is defined any number of objects can be created and associated to that class. For example, beagles and boxers represent different breeds (i.e. instances) of "dogs" which also can be viewed as a distinct class. Furthermore, defining classes, as part of the object modeling process is not that different from the traditional system analysis process, which seeks to achieve a goal (i.e.
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects rather than algorithms, this may contain data in the form of fields. it aims to incorporate the advantages of modularity and
The focus of object-oriented view is on the elaboration of design classes that belong to both problem and infrastructure domains. Classes are elaborated by specifying messaging details, identifying interfaces, defining attribute data structures, and describing process flow for operations. In traditional view, three components are refined, they are control modules, domain modules, and infrastructure modules. To generate programming language source code detailed representations of data structures, interfaces and algorithms for each program are to be created.
OBJECT: refers to a particular instance of a class where the object can be a combination of variables, functions, and data structures.