
Obligation Of Business Towards Society

Better Essays

Brandon Barnes
WR122, 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Daniel Couch
Research Paper
March 4, 2017
Obligation Of Business Towards Society According to “Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development”. (2001), the main goal of many businesses in the current society is to make profits. The key measurement of the success of different businesses is based on the amount of profit they make using a given amount of output. However, some of the researchers and economist feel that there is need to measure the success of the society based on the impact they have on the society. All businesses are set up within a given society, and thus there is the need for all businesses to work together with the society to realize its full potential. According to the Chief …show more content…

The other obligation of the business to the society is providing employment to the members of the society (Werther & Chandler, 2011). All societies in the world can either provide skilled or unskilled form of labor to various businesses. The businesses should, therefore, put measures in places to ensure that they identify resourceful individuals from the society and provide employment to the persons. One of the major ways to achieve provision of employment is for the business to set aside some percentage of its vacancies to the members of the society. The business may also go a step further and train some members of the society with the necessary skills so that they can be competent towards the development of the society. Some of the businesses have the norm of importing workers from other regions and leaving out the members of the society where the company is set up. Due to the development of policies governing business activities, it is the mandate of the business to ensure that it provides employment opportunities to the members of the society failure to which they may face the consequences of the law. Providing employment would empower the society, and thus the members of the society would provide a good environment that the business can undertake its activities and reduction in cases of rebellion from the society. Due to the desire to make huge profits, many

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