Reflection Throughout this assessing process, the student’s learning progression has amazes me more each day. When I am observing the student during my time in the field placement, I can see this student’s learning becoming more advanced compared to her peers. Since Aileen was learning at a fast pace, I do find it challenging to have only Aileen being the main student in class who would always eagerly raises her hand and answer the majority of the questions being asked by the teacher. Accordingly to my observation, Aileen do not require much “wait time” and would respond to more than one part of the question that is being asked. During my time in the field, I found it challenging in the beginning of the first few weeks of being in the classroom.
Usually around this time, the kids are outside with the staff’s (student worker) or the teacher. During this observation, all the children were outside on the playground. Being that they all know each other, everyone had someone to play with and nobody seems to be left out or felt alone while watching everyone having fun. Being that the children were all interacting with one other. There were about two children going up and down the slide, about three of them playing tag, couple of them who were playing by the door and a large group sitting in a circle. My main focus was the children sitting in a circle. While sitting in a circle, one of the boy within the group, decided to sing a Christmas song and then picked up a piece of log while acting as if he was playing the guitar for his peers. After singing alone for few minutes, three other children join him to
In chapter 11, I learned about the process of observation and assessment and also the ability to teach and the child’s ability to learn. but to get a better understanding of what this means we will first define what the process of observation and assessment is and the ability to teach and Finally, we will examine the child’s ability to learn.
Is it possible for me to observe more clearly on my lecture related to my major? It is possible by taking scratch notes for observing in an architect class to gather information and learn about my major. My major is mainly about architect engineering that related to construction like building and designing of a dog house that my professor demonstrate in class. This class is a good place to observe my professor bringing the supplies to cut the wood board and stack them together to create a dog house. It is important for my major to observe a classroom and watch my professor to construct a dog house.
On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at approximately 11:35AM 2 male students approached me in the HAAS cafeteria and said Mrs. Mary Grace MCGUIRE, HAAS Nurse, needed me outside her office area. When I spoke with Mrs. MCGUIRE she stated there was a verbal argument between 2 female students while eating their lunch in the flex area adjacent to her office. The 2 females were identified as Chantal GUERRERO and Amanda CASTRO, both 11th grade students.
For the school of observation assignment I attended Ms. Laurie Jenkins’ sophomore health class at Liberty High School in Hillsboro, Oregon. Ms. Jenkins is a friendly teacher, she greeted her students as well as myself. The classroom consisted of primarily White and Hispanic students with a mixture of other ethnicities. It was roughly an hour and a half long lecture. The day I went in for the classroom observation, students were learning about both the female and male anatomy.
In March, Emily enjoyed several shopping trips and purchased Easter themed crafts. She was encouraged to attend Sunday school on Easter Sunday but chose to stay home instead.
I had the privilege of observing a teacher at my church pre-k classroom on Wednesday the 6th of December 2017. Ms. Janet is a teacher at Shiloh Elementary and she always have her lesson for her classroom ready and presented in a well manner. I introduced myself to her and her classroom and was greeted and given a sit by the corner of the classroom. She gets her students up for physical warm up, they all went to stand on their assigned spot for their daily routine.
I started this year with a new assignment as a Basic Skills teacher for ELA in grades 1-5. Changing students every 40 minutes and only seeing students twice a week was quite a challenge for me. As a proponent of differentiated instruction and the Daily 5, I was used to rotating through my students as needed for a variety of skills because they were available to me all day long. My lessons had to be shorter and couldn’t carry over more than one additional session because students would forget. Having experience with grades 4 & 5, I found this transition much easier perhaps because I was already familiar with the curriculum and pacing for that age group. Grade 3 required only minor adjustments in my lessons, where I would have to slow down the pace and choose major targets. However, first and second grade presented more of a struggle for me in timing and content. As a result I decided to focus on grades 1 and 2 for my SGOs.
I chose to observe Mrs. Tijerina for my classroom observation. There are many reasons why I decided to observe Mrs. Tijerina. I elected to observe Mrs. Tijerina so I could see another teacher’s perspective on teaching Spanish, as she and Mrs. Fiechter are the only Spanish teachers in the school. Furthermore, I never had Mrs. Tijerina for Spanish 2, as the teacher I had left Adams Central. Additionally within the hour I was observing, there were many sophomore students that I knew personally so I was able to ask them on their options of the class. Finally, Mrs. Tijerina’s goal was to teach in a similar way to Mrs. Fiechter’s teaching, and by observing her I was able to compare and contrast the two
There are many things that stand out since I have been attending the inside- out course on gender at the OSU. One observation that I find myself clinging on to is the mere fact that our classroom location has been changed from the Outside unit in the visitation building. Honestly, I wonder if it had to do with the correction officer 's discretion based on our gender. They may assume that women are fragile and defenseless thus entering in in all male 's prisons could be uncomfortable. Furthermore, the individuals who work for the prison system, may perhaps assume that we should be protected from the intimidations of prison and be in a neutral environment. Additionally, the corrections officers would continue to warn us every Tuesday before
I sat in the best place to be able to see the activity between the teachers and students, and every 3 seconds, according to the FIAS code judge the completed interactive categories classroom speech, wrote down the appropriate category code number, and determined the next category at the same period; about 20 observations per minute can be completed.
For this lesson I started with having the students gather in the library in order to read the story to them. The students have a word watcher that they use when they are reading their books. The word watcher is a plastic candy cane and I used that for this lesson to activate prior knowledge. I held up the candy cane and asked the students what they see. I had some students comment that there is a red strip on the candy cane. The students also noticed a white strip, and then they noticed that the red and white create a pattern. I asked where is the pattern on the candy cane, and they showed that the red and white strips move continually up the candy cane, it just continues in a swirling motion. The students also commented on how if you turn
The observation conducted was at Magnolia High School in a Moderate/Severe classroom. The classroom has 15 students that range from 9th-12th grade, 4 instructional assistances, and the classroom teacher. The students in Ms. Anderson’s class are learning at an elementary level around a 2nd and 3rd grade level. At the end of their high school experience, they will receive a certificate of completion and begin their Individualize Transitional Plan (ITP). During the observation, students had roles and responsibilities that were routine for them based on their classroom job. Each period, students were working on academic context which correlates with foundational skills. Observing each lesson, the lessons were modified to their academic level and the teacher had a variety of methods of explaining the context. Some students were included in general education classroom and all the students were included during their P.E. period. The structure of the classroom gave students the academic support and the life experience they need to succeed outside of the classroom.
I observed that Saint Cloud High School’s facilities were flawless, and the green areas were well kept, it has modern and innovative technology that provide students with permanent opportunities for skill preparation. I also detected that the security is, for instance, well-intentioned to keep the students safe. Surveillance cameras are installed throughout the building and the surrounding areas of the school.
This semester, I’ve had the pleasure of completing my service learning hours at Floyd Middle School in Cobb county, Georgia which was established in 1965. I observed Mr. Kasisi Brown, who is a sixth grade social studies teacher and also the 2016-2017 teacher of the year at Floyd Middle School. I completed my observation within a span of two days. The first day, I observed Mr. Browns class for three hours and the second day I observed his class for three hours as well. On the first day, I arrived when Mr. Brown’s class was on the way to lunch. I met Mr. Brown in line and when he made sure all his students were in the lunch line, he took me to the teachers table. The teachers table was very interesting. I received a lot of the answers to the questions I had when I was sitting with all the teachers.