
Observing Mary Jo's Behavior

Decent Essays

a. Some of the students could be facing stressors at home such as a death in the family or possabily their parents could be getting a divorce. b. The student could be considered at risk. They could come from a low socioeconomically family, or they might have struggle with understanding English if it is a second language. c. Another possible cause is that the student might have some form of disability (learning, emotional or behavioral disorder). 2. a. A benefit of intervening early is that you have a higher chance of deescalating the situation. For this to work you must identify the trigger. The trigger might be hard to pinpoint. b. A negative interaction with another teacher. c. An argument with another student. d. If his daily schedule is changes. This could be as small as an assembly. e. …show more content…

. a. 4. . a. the selected reinforce(the reward) must be of equal value to the student as the one that they get from preforming the undesirable behavior. b. The first step would be to identify the negative behavior. c. A meeting between Mary jo and the teacher should take place with the following points covered. i. Discuss the behavior in question. ii. Set up a plan that includes 1. The desired behavior from the Mary Jo 2. The intervals that the teacher is going to observe to see of Mary JO is complying with the desired behavior. 3. What type of reward that Mary JO will receive if she is able to maintain the behavior. 4. The teacher should express that if Mary Jo is able to meet a certain amount of check points on a row then the time intervals will increase. d. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? a. The classroom management plan help the teacher create an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. It helps set the rules of the classroom thus minimizing the behavioral and academic issues with in the class. b. Important elements include: 1. An action plan 2. Procedures 3. Rules and expectations 4. Statement of purpose 5. Consequences 6.

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