
Observing Stephanie's Ethical Behavior Essay

Decent Essays

The purpose of this paper is to discuss Stephanie’s four ethical behaviors, which would be religion, military, female and mentally ill (Bi-Polar). It also goes into her background. Stephanie’s development and what her ethics are. What will she do in the future? Stephanie grew up in a very religious home, it started her belief system early in life. Later on in life, Stephanie tried several different religions to gain more knowledge on how the world worked. Stephanie served in the US Air force where she learned discipline and order. When Stephanie did not reenlist, her next job was very strict on following specifications and orders. Stephanie dealt with both military and other programs. Quality inspection calls for honesty and …show more content…

Stephanie has a therapist named Evelyn who helps get her through the rough patches. After a recent session, Stephanie had to deal with triggers that had gotten out of control or just too much to bear. Evelyn has a wonderful way of seeing things differently and breaking them down into acceptable chunks. Evelyn knows her limits and we go over different options. Stephanie really admires her for that. Evelyn makes Stephanie feel safe and security so she can open up and be honest. This plays a very important part of talk therapy. Stephanie’s ethical decision-making style is more black and white and she realizes that going through this class has taught her a lot about herself and her limitation. Reading an article Stephanie wanted to know “Is it possible for an individual to become a licensed, practicing, Clinical Psychologist with APA approval. This is a tricky question because there are different definitions of "impairment" used by the different agencies involved: the psychotherapy community of which this person either wishes to join or is already a member, the psychiatrists diagnosing and dealing with medical issues, and the legal system judging impairment. On a number of levels our field is reticent to mandate perfect psychological health from all of its practitioners. First, we as a field are better at identifying "abnormal" behavior than "normal" behavior.” (Slattery, 2006) After reading

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