
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Case Studies

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Karen regularly exhibits symptoms of problems that do not really exist. She goes through great lengths to avoid germs. Trivial aches and pains are seen as a serious condition and do not go away even after multiple visits to the Dr and after a multitude of testing. Karen’s practice of obsessively using hand sanitizer shows that she is worried about keeping herself germ free. There could be numerous causes for her actions. It could be that she feels like she has lost control of what has happened in her life. Her father died of cancer and that was out of her control. This may be her way of trying to gain some control back. In my opinion, Karen is suffering from the somatoform disorder of hypochondriasis. She feels that she is suffering from …show more content…

The way she uses her hand sanitizer to make sure she doesn’t have any harmful germs on her. Again, this may be her way to gain control over the things that she has no power over. This could stem from her father’s cancer or her grandmother’s suicide, things that were out of her control. The therapy Karen would best benefit from would be Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This therapy would help Karen to identify her negative behavior and help to correct them. Also maybe including behavior therapy using fear-reduction would be of a benefit to her when she is ready to face her issues and learn to manage them. I believe that this type of therapy would be beneficial to both of her …show more content…

She may be feeling some tension from her relationship. Since it doesn’t say whether or not her same sex relationship is accepted by others this may also play a role in the way she is feeling. We also know nothing of her family history, so it is possible that genetic factors are to blame as well. Schizophrenia seems to be one possible diagnosis as well as a bipolar disorder. She is restless with long periods of sleeplessness. She then self medicates to adjust her moods such as using sleeping pills. She jumped from topic to topic and then when the situation didn’t go the way she wanted she became irate. I would recommend cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy or even group therapy. Group therapy could also be successful because it shows the person that they are not alone. That other people feel the way they do and that there is a way to correct their behavior. Of course if she is bipolar, she will probably also require a mood stabilizer as well as therapy.

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