The Ocean Personality Traits Exercise is a personality test that results in a score in 5 characteristics, Openness, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Quirkiness. In the class women’s Conscientious score was 1.29 higher than the national score. In addition, In the class the women’s score for quirkiness was 2.19 higher than the national women’s score. Seeing that these category scores are higher for the women in class than the national women’s score, it could be said that the women in class scores are higher because they are in their first year in college, the majority are away from home and out of their comfort zone. The scores also show that the national women’s score is 1.08 lower than the class women’s score which could show that the national women have been more experienced with things that have caused them to be more closed off while the …show more content…
This could tell that women in class who are in college feel less comfortable than the men in college and nationally women feel more comfortable than men. one category which the scores were close in both men and women in the class and nationally is agreeableness which could be a characteristic that is balanced between men and women. My scores for the personality test were similar to the scores of the national women with a few exceptions. My openess score was 2.78 from the womens class score and 1.82 from the mens. Which is likely from how aware my mother made me and to not trust anyone. I was only 1.7 from the national womens’ and 1.8 from the mens national which isnt too far off. For the other characteristics I was similar to the nation’s score of women and more of a difference from the women in class. I believe this has to do with my maturity level being higher than most and being more confident in
There are five major dimensions of personality: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Neuroticism includes anxiety, depression, hostility, impulsiveness, self-consciousness, and vulnerability. Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking and positive emotions characterize extraversion. Openness includes openness to fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas and values. The facets of agreeableness include altruism, compliance, modesty, straightforwardness, tender-mindedness, and trust. Conscientiousness includes achievement striving, competence, deliberation, dutifulness, order and self-discipline (Article 3).
What is courage? Is courage saving a man from an avalanche? Is it standing against the crowd? Falling in love? Courage can be defined as many things. It could be as simple as wearing unusual, risking the chance of being judged by those around you. Harper Lee forthrightly establishes how gallantry can be displayed by many different types of people in the compelling book To Kill a Mockingbird. Despite many characters, such as Mayella and Scout showing courage, Atticus Finch is by far the most dauntless.
ount of masculine qualities. Furthermore, in general, I do not portray or possess typical qualities associated with masculinity. For femininity I scored above the average line. In fact, I was almost near the direct middle of the feminine grid. This infers that I portray or posses multiple qualities that are associated with femininity. When collectively comparing the two together, there was a 34-point gap. What I interpreted from these results was that in various cases, I’m more feminine in nature than I am masculine.
The student data file was used as the data source. The sample size included one hundred men and one hundred women. Thirty-five out of one hundred men had not declared for a degree. Fifteen out of one hundred women had not declared for a degree. The level of
Man is called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and show as many people the way to eternal life, as possible. Because we live in a world of philosophical, cultural, and religious diversity, it is imperative that we interact with people from all walks of life. Christian dialogue with others from various religions can be enlightening – solidifying what we believe as followers of Christ. Accepting people with their various faiths allows us as Christians the ability to gain insight into other beliefs, value systems, and the connections between culture and religion – as well as inspiring personal reflection.
The information obtained by the survey assessment could be divided on four categories: class, gender, age, and major which can be seeking in the Table 1 Demographic of Norm Sample. Only two different class levels participated on the study: intro or general classes and senior seminar. 68 participants (N=68) below to the general class, while 83 participants (N=83) was embodied by senior seminar students. Even though only 45 percent of the sample below to the intro class and 55 percent embodied the senior seminal class, this sampling represented almost an egalitarian population. In other words, these number do not represent a significant difference between the general class students and the senior seminar
characteristics it read were seemingly similar. Both tests seem to find my personality to be more
There are several aspects of personality that affect work performance (Greenburg & Barron, 2008). The “big five” is one of them. The big five dimensions of personality are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and open to experience. Daniel Ocean’s leadership ability is relative to these five traits. Conscientiousness is the first notable one. His conscientiousness was evident in his hardworking role as the leader of ten individuals, the organization of a very complex plan to rob the casinos, and his dependability to take the fall for the group by going to jail. Being an extravert, he enjoyed the company of others. He was able to energize the group members during the performance stage. His enthusiasm boosted the group that robbing the casino was possible. Ocean was sociable enough to talk to his ex-wife’s husband, Benedict who owned the casinos. This played a major role in the robbing process. The third personality dimension, agreeableness, occurs in the movie when Ocean cooperates with the group by agreeing to leave to group because his reason to rob Benedict had more to do with just the money. Tess, Ocean’s ex-wife and Benedicts new wife, was also a motive. Ocean was even able to warm Tess up to doubting Benedicts love for her. Neuroticism is another dimension of personality that Ocean obtained. He sense of emotional stability was keen when he was able to tell Tess he was leaving,
According to the test, it’s not regular for me to seek out new experiences. I tend to stay away from social situations, but I'm not particularly nervous nor calm. Also, I do things somewhat carelessly, and I’m neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. My results show that I’m in between what most people score on this test and that tells me that my personality is neither different nor the same as other people’s personalities my
The topic of whether or not there has been moral progress in the past 100 years could be heavily debated. We have had major setbacks and major breakthroughs as well. I believe that there has been a significant amount of moral progress in the past 100 years of human history. We have come a long way from where we were 100 years ago. For example, 100 years ago, blacks did not have basic civil rights, gay people couldn’t come out (let alone get married), and women were not allowed to vote.
The relationships between the variables “GPA” and “SEX” can give the admissions department a general idea of how and if gender has any effect on students academic performance. “SEX” can be looked at as a control variable when comparing other variables as well.
After taking the Big Five personality test, also known as the OCEAN model of personality, I found the results slightly surprising to me. The first measure they addressed was openness to experience/intellect, and I scored fairly low at the 20th percentile, meaning I prefer more traditional experiences and familiar experiences. The second one, which was conscientiousness, I scored higher on in the 74th percentile, meaning that I am well organized, self-disciplined, and reliable. The third measure of personality is extraversion, and I scored in the 96th percentile which extremely high. This suggests that I am extremely outgoing, social, and
The data set provided contains information from 200 people. They had an average writing score of 52.77. The lowest score is a 31 and the highest is a 67. The standard deviation of these scores is 9.48 indicating that this is a fairly wide range of scores. The data set contained the score and information of 109 women and 91 men, a 54.5% ration and a fairly even balance. Of these men and
In all honesty, I wasn't very surprised by my results. In the past I've taken similar tests and have come upon similar results and additionally have seen these qualities through introspective assessment. While there was several categories in the results, I have decided to simply explore three of my highest scores.
The study of personality is very important in the field of psychology because it aims to provide an account for individuality of human beings (Pervin and John, 1999). There are many psychological definitions which attempt to explain personality in terms of characteristics or typical qualities of an individual. Gordon Allport, defined it as “a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts and feelings’ (Allport, 1961, p. 11). Throughout the existence of this idea, psychologists have attempted to find ways to assess personality, creating different tests and theories, for example the Big Five Model of personality traits. This model, also known as the Five Factor Model (FFM), included five main personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The FFM was developed by Costa and McCrae (1985; 1989; 1992; 1997), who are argued to be the most distinguished psychologists in the area of personality.