
Of Human Bondage: The Women In Philip Carey's Life

Decent Essays

Of Human Bondage by William Somerset Maugham The Women in Philip 's life In the novel Of Human Bondage, the main character, Philip Carey, has a myriad of people whom are very influential in his life. William Somerset Maugham portrays Philip as having three women in his life that are of great importance to Philip 's character. These three women are Mildred Rogers, Norah Nesbit, and Sally Athelny. Mildred is a negative influence on Philip whereas the other two women serve as positive influences in Philip 's life. Of the three, Philip loves Mildred the most, though Mildred loves him not.

Mildred is a negative influence on Philip. Though he loves her, she doesn 't love him back. She is grateful toward Philip and rewards him with various …show more content…

She is successful in convincing Philip to focus on his studies rather than herself. Therefore when he 's with her, he passes all three exams without any trouble and has earned his vacation that he is reluctant to go on, but is persuaded by thoughtful Norah to do so. Unlike Mildred, Norah appreciates Philip and doesn 't allow him to waste his money. Philip intentionally chose Norah 's ilk

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