
Okonkwo In Things Fall Apart Essay

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Analysis of Downfall of Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart The first debut novel of Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, is a post-colonial novel written in 1958 that mainly describes a varying perceptions of masculinity. Although Achebe uses Okonkwo as a main character to depict how fear may serve as a motivation for success, Okonkwo’s hostile actions precipitate his own downfall and the breakup of his family. Okonkwo’s dislike of his father’s laziness largely contributes to Okonkwo’s ambition leading him to try to act as “masculine” as possible and to work hard to provide for his family, contributing to his rise in society. However, his constant desire to prove his masculinity and inability to adapt to his surroundings drive him to his downfall because …show more content…

Okonkwo ignores this and beats Ekwefi, believing her to be lazy. When a priest hears this he refuses Okonkwo’s hospitality, and told him that “the evil you have done can ruin the whole clan”(30). Later, Okonkwo commits a female, or inadvertent murder, and must flee the land for seven years. While in exile, Okonkwo spends almost no time thinking of his religion, and only mourns his loss of the possibility of becoming a lord of the clan in the near future. Others, like his uncle Uchendu noticed that he “had yielded to despair and he was greatly troubled”(131). he immediately began to make plans for his arrival back home, hoping to renew his success. However, his ignorance of religious changes upset his plans, and he is unable to come home in glory. When a chance comes to destroy those who brought this new religion and culture arises, Okonkwo jumps at it properly thinking. nobody follows his lead, as he kills a white messenger. Since he commits another murder and is faced with more punishment from both cultures, Okonkwo takes his own life. If only he had paid attention to both cultures and their changes and respected them properly, then he might have

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