
Ola Joseph: The Importance Of Diversity In Schools

Decent Essays

“Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness.” Ola Joseph recognizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting diversity.
Diversity in schools allows students to understand the perspectives of others that come from different backgrounds. It is important for a child’s development to learn how to inter interact, function, and respect those of different backgrounds. Preparing students to participate in society involves teaching them to get along with others and be productive members in a community. Opening their eyes to a world of unique differences and understanding allows them to thrive in today’s society. I have had the privileged opportunity to volunteer for Ms. Mason’s 4th grade classroom …show more content…

Health and nutrition are affecting by socioeconomic status and it is the role of society, government, and the school to make sure these needs are met for students. 66% of students receive regular lunch and 34% receive free or reduced lunch in the 4th grade at Olson Elementary. Students that come from low socioeconomic backgrounds have an increased chance of negative performance and attitude. Teachers should provide an empathetic environment that is not biased and gives all students equal opportunities. It is important to be available and approachable to your students as well as their parents. As a teacher it is crucial to know the differences in the intellectual ability. In my classroom I witness a variety of intelligences and learning styles. Many students in my classroom are visual and kinesthetic learners. They enjoy images, movies, games, or hands-on activities. As a teacher not only is it important to understand these learning styles, but also provide variety so you can cater to each child’s intellectual ability. We must understand that every child is born with ability and it is the role of the teacher to help learn how to help them improve and achieve their

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