On Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease makes up 56% of all deaths relating to heart conditions. The heart pumps blood around the body carrying oxygen and other essential nutrients to the areas in the body where they are needed.1 Coronary Heart disease is when this process is restricted or interrupted. The coronary arteries come off the main aorta, which are the first arteries to receive freshly oxygenated blood. They pass over the surface of the heart and supply it with oxygen. The process becomes restricted because the walls of the arteries become narrowed by a gradual build-up of atheroma (fatty material). This can quite often result in serious illness or death.3
The risk of heart disease
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However, if the smoker was uninformed of the harmful effects of smoking, then it can't be the smoker's fault. Many years ago people actually thought that smoking was good for you. This was because little scientific research had been done into the effects of smoking. The responsibility should have been that of the tobacco companies and the government. This meant that people had been misled into thinking that smoking was beneficial to their health, which means that if they developed heart disease, then this was the fault of the tobacco companies and the government. Recently in America smokers have attempted to sue tobacco companies on this basis.12
Personally I think that if heart disease has developed in a smoker at this time then it is the fault of the smoker. There are warnings on the front of all cigarette packets now and everyone is educated on the effects of smoking.
If a person has a high intake of LDL (low density lipoprotein), a high intake of alcohol, and generally a poor diet then they will have a high risk of developing coronary heart disease. The process of coronary heart disease begins when the coronary arteries become narrowed by a build-up of fatty material. This condition is called atherosclerosis. If this process continues the arteries may become too narrow to deliver the oxygen rich blood that the heart
Coronary Artery Disease, also known as CAD, is the most common form of heart disease. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Coronary Artery Disease obstructs the blood flow in vessels that provides blood to the heart which is caused by the buildup of plaque on the artery walls. (Rogers, 2011, p.87) (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Plaque is a yellow substance that consists of fat substances, like cholesterol, and narrows or clogs the arteries which prevents blood flow. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Plaque can build up in any artery but usually favors large and medium sized arteries. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009)
The primary research that was conducted measured students’ knowledge of heart health and prevention of cardiovascular disease, including their eating habits regarding animal products in relation to heart health.
Tasked with pumping oxygen rich blood to the entire body and circulating blood containing waste products to the appropriate destinations, the heart is a vital organ in the human body. Smoking increases the risk of having coronary heart disease which the "...leading cause of death attributable to smoking is coronary heart disease" (Tolstrup, Janne S., et al.). Coronary heart disease is caused by the buildup of plaque in the coronary artery which supplies blood to the heart itself. This reduction of blood flow damages and weakens the muscle of the heart. Smoking also causes a marked increase in blood pressure which then causes the heart to strain and work harder in accompaniment to the weakening. Smoking also increases the tendency of the blood to clot. A blood clot going through systemic
❖ Smoking Smoking is the most preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Smokers (including cigarette, pipe and cigar smokers) have more than twice the risk of a heart attack than nonsmokers. Nonsmokers who are exposed to constant smoke also have an increased risk.
Smoking is the one drug that has become one of the most influential drug known in the United States today. Many have smoked at least once in their lives, from the time of experiencing smoking as a teenager too experiencing smoking well into adulthood. What many are not aware of is that by smoking, it not only endangers the smoker’s life but the lives of others around. It puts the risk for others to become exposed to second hand smoke and other forms of health problems. These health issues explain why many are facing heart disease today. There are three types of heart disease that a person can contract because of smoking and they are cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis. These three main types of heart diseases
When smoking a widespread cause of death comes from the coronary heart disease, which results from atherosclerosis. This builds fatty deposits called plaque upon the heart and makes inner walls of the arteries narrow and stiffen, and often completely blocks the flow of blood to a portion of the heart. Therefore, the smoking causes this disturbance as 50% of smokers have experienced an acceleration of plaque accumulation from the exposure. Then lung cancer increases from the daily intake of the dangerous chemicals because of the interactions within the body. Therefore, the more one smokes a day will impact the chance of cancer as demonstrated from studies that after a year of quitting smoking the risk of lung cancer and others greatly diminished. Finally, the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that are obtained from the exposure of the dangerous chemicals and irritants in numerous cases, which forces the lungs to work harder. As a result, emphysema can develop and this makes the elasticity of air sacs diminish, thus ability to breathe in-and-out is harder. While chronic bronchitis will inflame the bronchial tubes and produce more mucus, and this creates a chronic cough and harder
Many deaths from heart diseases are caused by secondhand smoking. The center for Disease Control and Prevention says that "Since 1964, approximately 2,500,000 nonsmokers have died from health problems caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.". This means that about 47,170 people died per year due to health problems created by secondhand smoking. Secondhand smoking causes many deaths in the United States. WebMD says "Every year in the U.S., secondhand smoke causes about 34,000 deaths from heart disease and 7,300 deaths from lung cancer". This means that about sixty-seven percent of the people who died annually were in the United States. While there are many deaths involved with heart disease which is the result of secondhand smoking, but there is one more thing I would like to talk to you
Smoking, also, is a major cause for heart disease which may lead to heart attack. About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the United States are related to smoking. The risk of heart disease increases when the person smokes more cigarettes; for example, people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the chance of getting heart disease than people who do not smoke. Moreover, women who take birth control pills and smoke at the same time have several times more chance of getting heart disease. Smoking causes heart disease in a way similar to what happens in a stroke. It makes the blood pressure higher and speeds up the heart rate which damage the walls of the blood vessels. This, in turn, causes the production of more
When investigating the true cost of smoking cigarettes there is an overwhelming amount of research into the multiple effects smoking has on health. The smoke inhaled when smoking a cigarette contains 4,000 compounds which often leave toxic traces in the lungs and other organs. This is one of the biggest contributing factors as to why smokers visit the GP and hospital more often, have lower survival rate after surgery and take longer to heal wounds compared with non-smokers. The inhalation of the smoke is also known to cause around 60 carcinogens, which can harm every organ in the body, especially the heart. Cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease make up 10% of all heart related diseases caused by smoking. The tobacco smoke inhaled can seriously damage blood vessels increasing your chance of developing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is caused by a thick substance called plaque which accumulates in the coronary arteries. As
In our world today, there are many different types of occupations that play a major role in society. Out of all occupations, one of the most well respected occupations is being a doctor. There are various types of medical fields that one can choose to study. Nowadays, when one wants to major in a medical field, their automatic medical field is to study Neurology or Cardiology. Both of these medical fields are extremely important and well known, especially Cardiology. According to current researchers, cardiac-related diseases are the most deadly and most occurring compared to other diseases. “As of 2008, 17.3 million or 30% of the global deaths were related to cardiovascular diseases” (Heart). It is crucial for Cardiologists
The Surgeon General has called it "the leading preventable cause of disease and deaths in the United States." Smoking is among the top preventable risk factors of heart disease amongst many other health problems. Coronary heart disease and strokes are the primary types of cardiovascular disease caused by smoking. They rank as the first and third leading causes of death in the United States. More than 61 million Americans suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease. Smoking increases your risk for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, and aneurysms to name a few. More than 2,600 Americans die every day from cardiovascular diseases.
four times more likely to develop heart disease than nonsmokers, and smokers are twice as likely
Coronary heart disease takes place when a waxy substance called a plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries, which supply oxygen to the heart muscles. When this oxygen does not reach the heart, heart attack occurs. This is mainly due to the fact that since obese people have a high level of fats, some build up in the artery walls.
The term heart disease is often also referred to as cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain or stroke. There is a drug in cigarettes known as nicotine which causes increased blood pressure and heart rate. This is turn, results in your heart requiring more oxygen to keep pumping. Some of the most common types of heart disease associated with smoking are coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and strokes are also a major risk factor. It is possible to prevent or treat these forms of heart disease with the decision to practice a healthy lifestyle.
Smoking via a cigarette is a preventable habit that people develop when they become stressed, feel the need for social acceptance or wanting a satisfaction release of hormones. Cigarettes contain nicotine; a highly addictive group of chemicals that when inhaled spread through the body via the lymphatic system. Smoking has both internal and external repercussions including a depletion in oxygen levels and gangrene respectively. Smoking has been directly related to many types of cancers and ailments including cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD relates to damage of the heart including heart failure, stroke and the build-up of plaque in the arteries.