
On September 11, 2001 Four Planes Were Hacked By A Group

Decent Essays

On September 11, 2001 four planes were hacked by a group of Islamic extremists called Al Qaeda which resulted in the deaths of more than 3,000 people and almost 10,000 injuries. The first hijacked plane, Airlines Boeing 767 flew straight into the North Tower, at the famous World Trade Center that ultimately resulted in the immediate deaths of hundreds and leaving a large mass of people trapped at the top of the tower as the bottom had begun to slowly collapse onto itself. 20 minutes later, a little after 9am, a second plane, Airlines Boeing 767, crashed into the south tower. Almost 40 minutes later, the third plane that had been hijacked ultimately led to the burning and wreckage of the west wing of the Pentagon. Almost 200 people were …show more content…

Another main feature of the 9/11 memorial would be the Survivor Tree. This tree was found after the bombing barely salvageable with visible scarring. However the tree survived, planted, in which new spurts of branches were able to grow back and deemed its name “The Survivor Tree” in order to signify the fortitude, endurance and revitalization of a nation that endured great damage to its nation “largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on American soil and the greatest single loss of rescue personnel in American history.” (9/11 Memorial & Museum) My experience there is different due to the fact that it had been my second time visiting the 9/11 memorial. “While it is virtually inevitable that individuals will likely make sense of Ground Zero through their own personal biases, it is essential that future generations have a clear, full, and accurate representation of the devastation that occurred there.” (Miller) The first time I was not really able to grasp the importance of what the memorial meant however the second time as now a older me, I was in awe of the large pools containing these large amounts of water and to me it signified that despite that loss of life we experienced during both attacks, we still live and are able to carry on the significance of coming together as a nation. The names created a sadness and it was stressed

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