
On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis

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Symbolic Purple On the Sidewalk Bleeding is a short story about self-identity and the reflection of one selves right before death. The main symbol in this story happens to be a Jacket that was purple with the wording ROYAL on the jacket. This boy happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. During his final moments he reflects on why he became a royal and wish he would have just stayed “Andy”. In the beginning of this story it starts off with explain the main character Andy in third person view. The writer tells the reader that Andy is sixteen years old wearing a bright purple jacket, that represents his team or gang “The Royals’. The writer starts off the first sentence rather graphic by saying “the boy lay on the sidewalk bleeding in the rain”, with this type of sentence it just makes the reader on a thirsty path to find out why. The next few paragraphs after, the writer explains in more graphic detail that “the knife entered just below his rib cage and had been drawn across his body violently, tearing a wide gap across his flesh.” This sentence only makes me wonder if the rival gang wanted to destroy Andy jacket or try to really kill him. The boy didn’t know he was dying. Andy only thought of the rain that was once clam is now fiercely falling. The writer tells us that the boy had multiple chances for help but because the boy Andy had a rival jacket on that some people where reluctant to help him. A drunk was stumbling in the alley that Andy was laying in and

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