
On the Employment Non-Discrimination Act Essay

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“US Bishops oppose Employment non-discrimination Act; Say it punishes disapproval of conduct; three chairmen of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have criticized the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered; backed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of 2013, which was passed on Thursday by the United Senate, arguing that it punishes those who show a disapproval of same-sex sexual conduct. “Our dignity as children of God extends to our sexuality. Being a male or a female is a reality which ‘is good and willed by God,’ and this complementarity is essential for the great good of marriage as the union of one man and one woman (CCC, no. 339). Sexual acts outside of marriage serve neither of these goods nor the good of the …show more content…

Therefore seem to have chosen rather to take care of adult human males who will not work and depend on the Federal and local Governments for physical and health care while they reject the working human and their partner that is paid by one or both lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgendered. It is not only disrespecting their work rights, but this is unfair to the other associated workers and all the America tax payers. One point should be made clear is that every human born is born with their inherent dignity given by the Creator at their birth and especially at the creation of the universe. Now the thought of disobeying the creator by allowing the LGBT to marry female with female and male with male and then not give them total health care rights. “God says homosexuality is an abomination.”(KJV) God would that America sees the awfulness of homosexual marriages; many homosexuals throughout the years have claimed that they were born that way. But every child is born in original sin, there is also a cure for sin; and that cure is the Cross of Jesus Christ and there is no sin too bad that His Blood cannot cleanse! America’s hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. Man’s only hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. The homosexual’s hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. Trying to normalize this sin will not make it work, for it only makes it worse. The Cross of Christ is the only answer for the homosexual, as it is for all sin, and it

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