
Operational Manager Of Suncastle Council Community Safety Partnership

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• Role
This Project proposal has been compiled by Mr Zaheer Mahmood, the operational manager of Suncastle Council Community Safety Partnership’s group.
• Purpose
The purpose of this report is to try and seek to reduce the crime and disorder and its aftermath fear of crime, to make communities feel safer. Hopefully this will be through a series of carefully planned activities that shall be carried within a specific time scale to help achieve this result. Some of the themes that have been included are by Mark Moore and Braga, 2003, commonly known as the seven ‘dimensions of value’ and which shall be achieved by this proposal, and these are:

1. To help reduce crime and victimisation through our projects,
2. Reduce fear and enhance personal security through a feel of belonging to the communities,
3. Ensure good manners by the young persons in public spaces,
4. Use of financial resources fairly, efficiently and effectively,
5. Provide quality services and customer satisfaction through the projects.
• Budget, aims and objectives
In order to achieve this, our aims and objectives have to be made clear to the council for accountability and transparency, as they are the main source of funding for this project, which they have projected a budget of £30,000.
• Timescale
The timescale for this project has been set at 108 hours for the projected term, and so the Suncastle’s Youth Justice Service is planning to run three hours per week

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