
Opioid Treatment : Failures Of The Approach

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Opioid Treatment: Failures of the Approach With every five first time heroin users, four of them will have started out by using prescription painkillers (ASAM). According to the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the years 2010 to 2013 showed an increase of heroin-overdose deaths by 37% (NIDA). Until recently, opioid addiction, related criminal activity and death have been deeply casted into the shadows of important issues in our societies at a global level. Care for this particular area of substance abuse is urgent and crucial, one dosage having the capability to kill a person instantly. Before people can rid themselves of the poisons, the human body reacts to the absence of opioids in a powerful cycle of withdrawal. Decades filled with little to no research surrounding the rehabilitation of this common but life threatening illness has unfortunately resulted in few options for people to turn to. Medical experts, politicians and even passionate citizens are beginning to point attention towards this progressively large margin of individuals that are becoming addicted, desperate for treatment, and ending up with results of complete failure. The one-size-fits-all approach to opioid treatment needs to be abolished and replaced with a method of accountability and strict individual progress. According to the up-to-date account of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, opioid addiction is best treated through a combination of therapy and medicine. Answering the question of the best

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