
Oppression And Oppression

Decent Essays

Oppression and privilege are interlocked and can impact the lives of people in every aspect. People often make assumptions about who you are based on the way you look, the clothes you wear, where you live and even the car you drive. My work as a social worker can be impacted by the social construction of gender and race as it interacts with my place in society as a “oppressed” individual. A few years ago, being able to own an iPhone, wearing certain clothes was only something that the privileged could do. These are no longer looked upon as society as items that are afforded to the privileged. While there are three iPhones in my home, when comparing myself to those in the African American community I consider myself to be privileged. I am an immigrant that migrated to this country 17 years ago. I have been afforded opportunities that many African American have only ever dreamed of. I have worked as a manager for a fortune 100 company. I feel secured in knowing that I do not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from and that the roof over my head is paid for. This alone however does not make me privileged with the norms that are imposed by society. While I would consider myself to be among the privileged simple because I do not have to worry about the necessities, by societies definition of oppressed and privileged I would be oppressed. Truth to be told I do consider myself oppressed based on my background. I grew up in a single parent household, my mom, my

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