
Refractive Eye Surgery Essay

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Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and travels in waves. The electromagnetic

spectrum consists of many other forms of radiation including: radio waves, microwaves, infrared

waves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays (Sandner, 2009). Humans are only capable of

seeing the visible spectrum of light and some even have difficulties with that. However, with

technology taking a turn, many new inventions have come into existence that can help many

parts of the body, including the eyes. Optical devices/processes help us see farther and more

clearly than we can with unaided eyes (Sandner, 2009). One of these optical devices/processes is

laser vision correction. For most people with vision problems, this brand of surgery looks very

appealing to them, which can decrease or even eliminate dependency on glasses and contact

lenses (Sandner, 2009). However, there are also risks that come along with them, and those risks

can be very dangerous.

Background Research

Types of Refractive Eye Surgery

Laser vision correction consists of different types including, but not limited to: LASIK,

LASEK, PRK, and ALK. Each type of surgery is executed for different purposes such as near

sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. According to (nd), all types of

refractive eye surgery involve the reshaping of the cornea or clearing the front part of the eye so

that light can travel through onto the retina properly focused.

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