
Optimal Function

Good Essays

Arousal was the energy that fueled by desire, my motivation, and ultimately my performance as I started my climb on Auburn’s rock climbing wall at the Fitness and Wellness Center. Aware that arousal levels can fluctuate in the form of energy patterns, my fearless desire with confidence drove me for the moment. I felt that harnessing my mental skills could power me to an optimal energy zone (peak performance and moderate to high arousal) with good flow within an Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF). The action plan was simple with a process goal of proceeding with caution on the green, or easy path, and my performance goal was to make it at least to the half way point with an outcome goal of one day reaching the top. Although my muscles were fatigued from working out earlier at the gym, I was confident I could meet my short-term objectives for the day. I knew I had the strength, stamina, balance, and a growth mindset to try without the fear of failing. This kept my stress levels low with brain power reserved for paying attention and staying focused on the process. At the half way mark on the climb at Auburn, I had to shift my position in a technical move which would be …show more content…

There is a plaque on my wall from my F-16 days that reads “the man who leaves nothing to chance”. I have always been one to over plan an event or a flight because I had learned many times from the past that if I didn’t do so, the stress would be too great to counteract any setback. So, having a list of realistic and potential backups was my technique. I just usually had one or two more than normal and that landed me the comment on that particular plaque that still hangs in my office. It was a dangerous occupation and I have a long list of dead friends so I honor the comment as a positive attribute in my

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