
Optimist Greed: The Word Paradigm

Decent Essays

Every time I say the word paradigm I think of Bob Proctor. He has been a huge asset to my development because he has made me think in a way that no one else has. He is the master mind behind “The Secret” and the secret that I found buried deep within my subconscious. The Optimist Creed has been one of the major keys to my growth.
The paradigm is simple, it's everything around you that forms your thoughts from birth. Your environment, your parents, your neighborhood, people’s beliefs and everything you hear while growing up determines your paradigm. Everything is dumped into our subconscious without us realizing it. Most of the factors in the beginning of our lives we don’t really have control over but as we get older we have complete control of working on our paradigm.
We all have the power to become the greatest version of ourselves but most won't attempt it because of their paradigm. I have noticed through my own journey that if I get back to my old environment my old ways slowly creep back, my old habits and sometimes I even get really bad feelings where I have to escape to solitude. …show more content…

I didn’t know at the time anything about paradigm and I was blown away when I began learning about it. It has been hands down the best decision we have ever made. We find ourselves spending more time with each other, buying less crap and having more peace at the end of the day and month. I never thought that just by getting out of my comfort zone I would feel so free. Now I know that the more time I spend outside with nature the happier I am. The less time I spend with people from my old environment the less problems I seem to

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