
Optimistic Believer

Satisfactory Essays

Being an optimistic believer, I choose to focus on the positive things rather then dwell on the negative ones. Chief Seattle said, “Your God loves your people and hates mine…” (Page 708) I do not believe God is picking any race above another nor is luck on one side any not on the other. I believe we all have a choice on what we want to focus on and how to overcome our life struggles. I disagree with Chief Seattle’s words because we as humans are valuable, have things to be grateful for, and blessed. There are a few people in this society we live in that believe their lives are more valuable then others because they are of upper class. I refuse to believe wealth entitles anyone’s life to mean more then middle to low class individual. This state of mind reminds me of a movie called, “From Prada to Nada.” One of the main characters from the movie (Mary Dominguez) struggles once the girls stay orphans and go from being from higher class to low class. She refused to see …show more content…

For example having food and water to meet our basic needs. Waking up each morning to greet another day and spend quality time with friends and family. If every one of us looked at life the way Chief Seattle did we would miss our own entire blessing by reflecting only on our bad fortune? After a long day of going to work, followed by attending class, all I want to do is complain about how heavy the load is. However, when I walk into my house and my puppy greets me at the door I forget all the struggles and feel blessed to have a home to go to with a loving dog. When the world feels out of place and darkness surrounds us there is still a shed of hope; if you believe and focus on the positive of all situations; the smallest amount of light can because bright enough to lighten any darkness. We are all worth being saved our value, along with our gratefulness, and blessing can rise us above any

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