
Organic Essay Vs Organic Farming

Better Essays

The topic that I chose to focus on for my research paper is on the practices used in both organically and conventionally grown foods. More specifically, I focus on the sustainability of the two different methods and whether or not one is more sustainable than the other in terms of soil health and crop output/production. The question that I asked in order to help develop my research is “Is organic farming more sustainable and healthy than conventional farming methods?” My stance on the matter is that organic farming methods are not only healthier than conventional methods but they are also more sustainable for future farming. Before reading my research paper, my readers will have to understand the different farming techniques and methods used in both conventional and organic farming. They will also need to know the types of pesticides used during both practices and whether or not these pesticides and chemicals are harmful to the human body. This can be best explained by Paul Maders article “Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming.” In this article he discusses the farming methods used in organic foods and conventional foods. This article also discusses the nutritional difference between the two types of growing foods and effect that both have on soil, crop yields and biodiversity within organic farms. This article helps the reader to understand the process in which these two different methods produce food and the many factors that go into the production of both.

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