
Organic Agriculture Essay

Decent Essays

Organic Agriculture

Organic agriculture is the oldest type of agriculture there is. Many people don't know exactly what has to be done to say that you are farming organically, these days. Organic Agriculture has been increasing in size over the past few years as more people worry about what they are eating. Many people donít know what it exactly means to be farming organically.

The National Organic Standards Boards defines organic agriculture is ìan ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. The primary goal of organic …show more content…

You canít grow row crops more than four out of five years.

Land that is coming out of CRP works great to be put right into raising organic crops, because you donít have to wait for three years to change to organic. If you donít have land that is coming out of CRP or something like it, then you will have to go through a three year transition period. There are sometimes markets for these crops, but otherwise they have to be sold like regular crops. Iowa State University says that, ìIn Iowa, the Natural Resource Conservation Services offers organic farmers $50/acre during their transition to organic farming.î (May 2002)

The biggest problem people have with organic farming is weed control. You canít use chemicals, so it has do be done mechanically. Farmers use different tactics to try and control weeds, like delaying planting until the ground is warmer and using the crop rotations helps out tremendously. One tool that farmers can use is a flamer to get rid of weeds. According to Bowman, ìFlames from LP-gas burners kill plants by rupturing cell walls, not burning plant tissue. Flaming is most effective on broadleaf weeds as small seedlings.î (1997)

A rotary hoe is a must when you are organic farming. You need to rotary hoe corn and beans two to three times. After the hoeing two cultivations are usually needed with a cultivator. Many times the beans also need to be walked, so that weeds can be pulled by hand after

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