
Organic Food Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

The food industry is every changing, more than half of the foods on our shelves did not exist 60 years ago. The main supple of food that comes from our country is factory farmed. The smaller more tradition farms have struggled to survive against major food corporations, but they hang onto traditional farming practices that have higher standards for the health and the environment of its livestock. Driving down the road, on nearly every corner of America's main streets is at least one fast food chain store. Enticing the American people to eat unhealthy chemical laced food. As a young mother pushes her grocery chart down an aisle, she picks up a box of chocolate chip cookies. Turning the box around to read the label, she is shocked to see over 30 ingredients along with artificial flavors, food dye and preservatives. Looking at our society as a whole, we see the rising number of obesity and along other diseases and illnesses. The American people are lead to believe various food groups are healthy while others are not. Every year a new, and exciting diet is introduced, promising real changes for a healthier lifestyle. The greatest impact on our health is what we choose to put into our bodies every day. For the health of our nation, and its environment the focus on growing the organic food industry is essential to healing our bodies and land. To better understand what the organic label means and its three different classifications one must know what organic means. The

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