
Organizational Behavior

Decent Essays

Organizational Behavior in Team Enron
By working together, each member of Team Enron had the opportunity to experience several factors that had an impact on our organizational behavior. All factors had both positive and negative affects, however, the behavior of each team member contributed greatly to the completion of our group project. There were positive and negative aspects that affected our job performance, our commitment, and lastly, our satisfaction.
Before discussing the 3 areas of organizational behavior that were affected most, it’s important to understand the kind of team we were throughout the semester and how that had an impact on our productivity. Team Enron is considered to be a “Project Team.” According to our textbook …show more content…

One aspect of job performance is task performance, in which job analysis is commonly used for definition. We used this by compiling a list of activities to be completed which was then distributed to each member of the group. Our group then successfully used creative task performance which involved coming up with ideas that were useful to the overall project. Since meeting up and completing the project was difficult, our performance of the project relied on everyone doing their assigned task so that the project would come together as one whole.
In summary, performance is a behavior which is something done by the employee. This concept differentiates performance from outcomes. Outcomes are the result of an individual's performance, but they are also the result of other influences. In other words, there are more factors that determine outcomes than just an employee's behaviors and actions. Team Enron successfully displayed ways of organizational behavior with the circumstances given.
In order to have successful job performance, each member of Enron had to be fully committed to the assigned tasks as well as participate in each and every group meeting. Organizational commitment is defined as: the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization. In this instance, we’re using organizational commitment to reflect the desire of a member to be fully

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