
Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld Essay

Decent Essays

Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld
Museum Essay

Camille Corot was a naturalistic painter and a printmaker etching. He was born in Paris, France and lived in the lower class. He later on received a scholarship, but had difficulties on the scholastic process which made him decide to go to boarding school. At the age of twenty one he created his very first studio in the third floor of his parent’s house. Five years later he started taking landscaping classes; after time passed he started to take it more serious and out of boredom he started to make oil paintings. With his parents support he followed a well-established of French painters who went to Italy to study the Italian renaissance and to draw the monuments. Camille Corot …show more content…

He extended his arms to grab her but was unsuccessful and in an instant she was gone, all he heard was the words “Farewell”. There is a sad mood to this painting because of the tragic event that it ended with but in order to feel this mood the viewer must have at least some knowledge of this myth. Without any knowledge the viewer will just look at it as a simple painting of a couple walking away from something. In a distance you can see five persons standing across what looks to be a river because of the reflection on the water, as viewed the trees also get smaller and smaller indicating that they are getting farther and farther away, but as things are closer the objects get bigger telling that this object is closer. The color used in this painting is what looks to be cool colors such as the darkish green used in the plants and the blue in the background; this gives us a serious and somewhat depressing mood because there are no light colors that give us that happy feeling. This image is romantic in a way because Orpheus came to the underworld for someone he has strong feelings for and also because she is his wife, this gives it a romantic feeling. It is sort of like the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet who ends with the death of the woman, but

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