My dream job is to be a traveling nurse and so participating in this trip would be one of my most memorable experiences for not only college, but my life as well. In my Junior year of high school I traveled to Nicaragua as an Orthopedic Surgical Mission trip. While there, the people I met and took care of, as well as the trip as a whole has made an impact on who I am today. I never imagined the trip to Nicaragua would have impacted my life the way it did, but I am grateful it did. An aspect of my personal life that sets me aside from other applicants is that I was diagnosed with type one diabetes at age fifteen. It was brought to my attention during the presentation that many juveniles in the country as well as adults have diabetes so I would
For the group’s PPR project, we chose volunteering for the Red Cross’s campus blood drive. This was decided upon because of the important role that the organization has developed in humanity, the important role it plays in healthcare, as well as the many roles a nurse has within this organization.
It was when my mother was rush to emergency room due to a chest pain that started my interest in wanting to help people live a healthier future. I remember my mother’s frustration because she could barely speak English a0nd was unable to communicate to the nurse. As a bilingual child, I would help translated the level of pain, comfort, and her concerns to the nurse. While I accompanied her in the hospital, I valued the amount of strenuous work and responsibilities that nurses have to uphold. Knowing that there was a language barrier, I admired how the nurses never showed any signs of frustration, but remained calm and collective. Being by my mother’s side, demonstrated how I myself could make a positive impact in someone’s life one day. The
At St. Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Community, my church, there is an annual mission trip to Beaumont, Haiti which I am unable to attend due to age requirements. Two years ago, one of the nurses from my church, Amy, returned from the trip with a story that would change my life forever. She had attended a father and daughter that had traveled 50 miles on foot to find the nearest hospital. The daughter was dying of dehydration and malnutrition. The fact the Amy had revived that young girl was heartwarming and fulfilling even for me. Amy is my inspiration and my idol. We have discussed on numerous occasions of the rewarding as well as the challenging aspects of nursing. But one thing she said stuck with me, "If nursing is your truest passion and
Introduction: Since I was about ten, I have always wanted to be in the health field. My mother is an R.N and my uncle is a Nephrologist (kidney surgeon). I love the healthcare field and the thought of helping people. Currently I am a C.N.A and my major is nursing. When deciding the person to interview I knew exactly who I wanted. Patty Flym is the Nurse at Amber Glen Nursing home, which happens to
As I prepare to begin my adult life after high school graduation, I plan to continue my education at California State University, Long Beach and hope to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Spending my four years of high school in the AIMS program at Jordan has influenced me to continue to pursue higher education. Getting the best education possible will allow me to be able to give back to my community by providing affordable and valuable care to everyone. I was given me the opportunity to volunteer at the Long Beach Veteran Affairs hospital and in the Long Beach Bike Uptown program. These experiences have made me realize how important it is to help others and that every little action a person does affects others. I would like to become
Reaching out to the high school will speak volumes for international travel; however, I want to speak to my college specifically about the Gilman Scholarship. I have built many close relationships with the professors at my college because I have had 1 Russian Professor, 3 different Chinese professors, and 5 different Spanish professors who all will allow me to come and speak on behalf of the Gilman Scholarship. They have permitted me to come and share for about 20 minutes on the Gilman Scholarship, and about the international experience abroad. Many of my professors know that many students do not go abroad because of the cost, but with the Gilman Scholarship, it is a possibility, and I would love to encourage other to apply. During the presentation during class, I would present my story about the struggle of saving for college, how my Father lost his job and could no longer support us in College, how I worked almost full-time at Subway while being a full-time student, and how study abroad seemed like a dream, but a dream I was willingly to fight for. I would describe how I personally was one of those people who thought that scholarships were a waste of time until some of my close friends received scholarships, and encouraged me to apply as well. The reason why I am applying even to the Gilman right now, is
I Don’t remember much of my family when I was little, But I can tell you that I am thankful for the family that I have. At the age of two my mom and dad had to make some tough decisions by leaving me in Nicaragua with my grandmother and grandfather , but I don’t want you to think that my mom and dad did not care about me , about leaving me behind. But the reason behind as why my parents had to make that decision was because of my brother Marco who had a heart decease. That in Nicaragua there wasn’t enough resources to make a heart surgery so they decided to live the country to migrate to THE UNITED STATE so they could do a open heart surgery to my brother, in which my brother did not make it . At the age of five year old I remember sitting in the stairs in front of the house, it was a cloudy day while I was sitting their I recall looking at the sky and thinking about my mom and dad were they could be at the time I was looking at the sky.
I am applying to the certified nursing program. Since I was little, I have always want to be in the medical field. I grew up in a big family, where my parents were illiterate but worked really hard, and struggled a lot to send me to school, as a first generation, to get educated. The idea of helping each other has always a joy to my heart and of course to those who received the help. Thus, as I get older and older, started to explore the field the more I fall in love with it. My parents could not afford to continue to send me to college. I felt the same pain that they had. I did not stop going I continued and graduated from highschool. Over the years, we moved to Minnesota for a better place. When we got here, I decided to start working as
Serving an underserved population has always been my motivation to become a dentist. Throughout my life I have excelled in crafts and am exceptionally talented with my hands. As a result, it has continually been my dream to be in a profession where I could use my hands to change a person’s life by easing their pain or helping them smile again. Being given the opportunity to finally achieve this would be invaluable. I truly want to make a positive difference in this world. This desire has provided me the grit to overcome adversity and withstand the challenges I have faced while applying to dental school. Since helping people is something that I am extremely passionate about, I have had numerous wonderful volunteer experiences throughout the
Although most people think they can get away with picking an easy topic for their senior projects it turns out to be a little more complex than that. Growing up my ideas and passions would always seem to be changing but when I finally became set in my ways at least in knowing what I would like to pursue the Nursing Program was up to par. I chose to do mine on Nursing in the ED (emergency department) because this is a field I would love to go into so I can be of service to those in need of any medical care, to always have a stable job to rely on, and further more to be able to excel in the field of medicine. I would love to be one of the people on call to respond to the needs of another individual in their time of need. Anyone could only
Along with my application, I want to also submit a personal statement. First off, I believe that earning a degree from Madonna University would help me achieve my goal of making a difference in someone's life and helping others. I want to major in Nursing. Nursing would give me a chance to help others everyday lives. My goal in life is to make a difference in someone else's. It would also help me reach educational goals by allowing me to get an education in a field that I am very interested in.
The past two years in the community college have been great. I have learned a lot from my well respected instructors and my peers. So now, I want to transfer to a four year college and continue to grow, broaden my understandings and improve my communication skills. Now I'm about to complete my associate in science program at Trident Technical College, in Charleston, South Carolina, where I have been successful academically and socially. During this time I was a peer tutor which furthered my knowledge of the United States and its culture all while working part time jobs. These experiences have contributed to my education as a whole. My goal is to transfer to a university and attain my bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Becoming a nurse is a goal that I have had for quite some time having seen the lack of healthcare in a developing country and the vast needs of the people. I believe it is a great profession that would allow me to be a catalyst for change while allowing me to show compassion to people and help them. Saving other people’s lives is a great incentive for me, because I came from coming from a country where people die from contaminated water, lack of food, clothing and less than sanitary conditions in some areas. Once I finish my BSN, I want to pass the knowledge I've learned to others and help those who are in need. I want to be able to help the people of the United States and Africa, especially my country home, Ethiopia. It is sad to see people not getting treatments and dying of disease. I believe completing my degree in nursing will provide me with essential tools to help bring that dream to accomplishment. Apart from my career goals, I want to enjoy life and be a positive influence in my
I am Madison Jakob. I grew up in a small family, that consisted of my mom and brother. My mom is a single parent who raised me and my brother alone, for most of our lives. I always looked up to my mom, she works at a hospital and as a kid when my mom would get home i would always ask her about her day and all the exciting thing she experienced throughout the day. As i got older the more she would tell me all the gruesome and sad stories. She influenced by decision of wanting to become a ER nurse.
One last thing that I would like the admission committee to consider is that I am dedicated to helping everyone. I have spent time everyday during the week for about four years assisting children with disabilities. While this does not directly relate to the nursing field, many of the skills I have acquired from my experiences will greatly assist me in my nursing career. One of those skills is compassion, to fully understand how to help an individual with a disability you must imagine what life is like from their position. Having this skill will allow me to assist patients, and see that they are not just a disease, that they are a person and should be treated as one. These experiences with children with disabilities have taught me to to never
(TS) These days we take our excellent opportunities for medical care for granted, but in some developing countries they don’t have the same privileges. (C) It is very important to me that those in need get the proper health care they deserve, so an important goal of mine would be to provide these nursing services to everyone in third world countries. (E) I would be interested in a nursing internship in these places because many countries in Africa and Central America, for example, don’t have a lot of money for equipment and doctors. Because of the lack of ideal health care, disease and infection spreads easier in these areas, causing more need for hospitals and doctors’ services.