
Orthorexia Nervosa

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Screening tests and evaluations help with many diagnoses of various eating disorder. Created to help identify orthorexia was the BOT, ORTO-15, ORTO-11, and EAT-40 tests. The BOT test which stands for Bratman’s Orthorexia Test was developed to help identify if the expression of feeding behaviors in health education is pathological or not. This test is a 10 question yes/ no questionnaire were answering yes to at least 4 questions can indicate that one may be developing orthorexia (Brytek-Matera, 2012). The BOT test asks the questions the require one to think about you day to day diet. Some sample questions include: how many days you plan your meals ahead, how many hours you spend thinking about food, have you become stricter with yourself, and …show more content…

Not only is there the idea that there is a pattern, but also that other disordered eating's have had their criteria to be discussed. The first commonly thought of is anorexia nervosa. Common between anorexia and orthorexia is OCD. In which case OCD is the need to control and the sense of perfectionism. Both of these disordered eating's want to perfected some aspect of their food intake and the quality of food that they consume. A prevalence in anorexia nervosa is 0.9% in women and 0.3% in men (Dell’Osso et al., 2016). Similarly like anorexia, bulimia is also a well-known disordered eating's. As of 2000, bulimia incidence rate remained stable for the ages 10-19 years-old for females in the UK at 40 per 100,000 person-years (Smink et al, 2012). The good news is that bulimia nervosa is slowing decreasing over time. This could be in part do to the ability to comprehend and discuss what is considered bulimia. Another disordered eating that has been changed since first establish is Avoidant and Restrive Food Intake Disorder. Formerly known as selective eating it was often referred mostly to young children. ARFID is a problem with eating and/or feeding. This can lead to nutritional deficiency and the lack of energy (Nicely et al, 2014). Such things that people who develop orthorexia could develop. Orthorexia is also similar to that EDNOS. EDNOS stands for eating disorder not otherwise specified and is heterogenous (Smink et al, 2012). Thus, this result implicates that neither females or males stands out above one another just like orthorexia. There has been studies done to find prevalence in gender, but results vary from study to study. EDNOS is very commonly given to someone who has an eating disorder. The disadvantage of this type of disordered eating's is because if can lead to other miss diagnoses and the difficulty for obtaining appropriate treatment (Nicely et al,

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