
Oscar Romer: A Symbol for Citizens

Decent Essays

Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez was born in the year 1917 in the month of August on the 15th day. He was born to Santos Romero and Guadalupe de Jesus Galdamez. He grew up with six other siblings. Oscar Romero was born in the city of Barrio in El Salvador. Romero was baptized by Father Cecilio Morales at two years old. He went through a miracle at seven when he healed from an unknown illness. Oscar was so effective as an apprentice in carpentry that his father wanted him to learn more about it, so he could earn a job.

Oscar Romero entered priesthood at 13. He started at a small seminary in San Miguel by the Claretians. Years later, he entered the nationally recognized seminary in San Salvador by the Jesuits. After studying religion and about God, he continued to learn at the Gregorian University in Rome. Throughout World World II, Romero remained in Italy and received his licentiate degree in theology cum laude. Romero first began his career when he was ordained as a priest on April, 4 1942 in El Salvador. As a priest in Rome, he obtained his degrees in theology. In 1943, he was forced back to El Salvador from Fascist Italy. On his way back with his friend Father Valladares, he made two stop in Spain and Cuba. Romero and his friend were stopped in Cuba because they came from Fascist Italy from Mussolini’s ruling. Meanwhile being in prison, Romero, Valladares, and some other priests were sick and transferred to a hospital. Romero and his friend were released from Cuban

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